Internet: Not Connected. Check Network Settings
Please help this one in killing me!!!

I have been having issues with this only on my Ouya but research has said that it is not just an Ouya issue.

it appears to be an XBMC wifi connection issue. I can get connected through ethernet and it works just fine. unfortunately that is not a practical solution and doesn't actually help anyone that is having this issue.

I have tried a fresh install and have not done the wizard. in order to isolate the issue.

the unit itself DOES have access to the internet. I can browse outside of XBMC as well as download the APK to get a sept 22 build of xbmc for Ouya. the issue is not my connectivity on my network the issue is definitely with XBMC.

as well I have purposely not installed the hub wizard to make sure that that wasn't the issue.

researching this problem tells me that many others have had this issue and everybody trying to help asks for a log file and when they get it the thread goes dead!!! the others having this issue is not limited to ouya.

I do not have a log file to show because even if I had the logger installed the system would not be able to access the internet to send the log.

as well there is something even more odd. the rss feed is working and up to date!

ant help and conversation here would be helpfull.
I usually use the rss feed to determine if I have internet or not so that seems suspicious.

What are you doing that leads you to believe you don't have internet access?

Trying to install an addon?
Checking weather?
Can you play local stored content on a local share?
When you go to system info does it show any IP address?
Can you ping that IP?

You can upload a log file without the device having internet access which can help in troubleshooting.
יונתן בן-חיים
Does the following show that your device has a network connection, with an assigned IP address, etc.? System > System info > Network
here is the thing... I know i have internet access. if I exit xbmc I can surf and do what ever I want on the same divice. the router is giving an ip address.
the RSS feed and the weather is what makes this so baffleing.

as for system > System info >network.

this is where I see the internet : not connected, Check network settings. there is an ip address assigned and I can see this same ip and device connected in my router settings. the Link shows connected in xbmc and that is not an issue. I can see the other computers on the network as well

here is a log file for you to have a look at...

here is another one of me just opening xbmc and waiting till I get the error i list in the thread title:
(2013-11-12, 20:29)Macbeth1975 Wrote: here is the thing... I know i have internet access. if I exit xbmc I can surf and do what ever I want on the same divice. the router is giving an ip address.
the RSS feed and the weather is what makes this so baffleing.

as for system > System info >network.

this is where I see the internet : not connected, Check network settings. there is an ip address assigned and I can see this same ip and device connected in my router settings. the Link shows connected in xbmc and that is not an issue. I can see the other computers on the network as well

here is a log file for you to have a look at...

here is another one of me just opening xbmc and waiting till I get the error i list in the thread title:

Im having the same issue and appeared a random day, rss and weather working but the system says Internet:Busy or not connected, my device also have internet outside xbmc. Did you resolved it?
I am unable to get any internet connectivity on any on my android boxes including ouya, If i downgrade to 12.2 all is well, but every 13 version has no internet connectivity so no scraping
(2014-10-04, 11:11)AndrewA Wrote: I am unable to get any internet connectivity on any on my android boxes including ouya, If i downgrade to 12.2 all is well, but every 13 version has no internet connectivity so no scraping

Welcome to the forums.

We cant do anything without full pastebins of Debug log (wiki) as you porvide no relevant information to help diagnose your issue.

1) make sure you have a very latest official release of the software installed See Android (wiki) for that.

2) Use default skin and no 3rd party addons installed. (best to determine software vs skin or addon caused issues because it does matter)

3) Enable Debug log (wiki), restart xbmc while on debug, duplicate issue, and pastebin the debug log and post link to that here. (that will enable a smaller and more precise log.

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