2014-01-22, 01:55
I needed something to take abroad for a few months, and needed fast delivery.
So I bought one of these because I was able to get overnight delivery.
I did'nt have time to properly research which android box/chipset to go for...
So I just took a chance....
It appears reasonably well made.. (it's just a small plastic box, so you can't go far wrong...)
One of the USB port shields was bent, so i could'nt plug anything into it. (nothing a flathead screwdriver could'nt fix though)
The remote looks nice and is fairly solid, it works well as a "remote" especially in Xbmc, In "mouse" mode it's awful, but functional.
It boots quick to android 4.2.2, not many apps installed, which is fine - I prefer "Vanilla" setups.
The Vidon.Me Xbmc appears (from the menus) to be Frodo.
It updated itself, and works well enough, although I noticed a slight jitter on a 1080p (13gb) file over smb.
Nfs would not work at all - which is annoying, (it's works on Xbmc13alpha11 but hardware acc does'nt!).
Occasionally the Vidon app crashes back to the desktop.
Xbmc is snappy and fast (as fast as my Revo, and way faster than RaspMC).
There also appear to be passthrough options over HDMI in the Audio settings, I have'nt tested them yet.
The biggest issue that I have is that the 1080p display appears to be an upscaled 720p! which sucks completely.
This is a quote from amazon
"Support HDMI Full HD 1080p Out, HD, 3D Videos, Online TV ,radio and web surfing"
I can set 1080p from within the android settings and indeed the Tv switches to 1080p,
but from within devtools app that it comes with, it clearly states 1280*720, as well as in system info of the Vidon Xbmc.
Also I can't see any difference between 720p and 1080p files, so it must be upscaling.
I probably wont be keeping after I return, a family member with a HD-Ready tv can have it, as they wont need 1080p.
So if you want a fast/cheap android/Xbmc (Frodo) box to run HD-Ready files over smb or locally, then this pretty good, just bear in mind the remote won't be much good for games or fast navigation when browsing.
I can go into more depth if anyone wants...
I needed something to take abroad for a few months, and needed fast delivery.
So I bought one of these because I was able to get overnight delivery.
I did'nt have time to properly research which android box/chipset to go for...
So I just took a chance....
It appears reasonably well made.. (it's just a small plastic box, so you can't go far wrong...)
One of the USB port shields was bent, so i could'nt plug anything into it. (nothing a flathead screwdriver could'nt fix though)
The remote looks nice and is fairly solid, it works well as a "remote" especially in Xbmc, In "mouse" mode it's awful, but functional.
It boots quick to android 4.2.2, not many apps installed, which is fine - I prefer "Vanilla" setups.
The Vidon.Me Xbmc appears (from the menus) to be Frodo.
It updated itself, and works well enough, although I noticed a slight jitter on a 1080p (13gb) file over smb.
Nfs would not work at all - which is annoying, (it's works on Xbmc13alpha11 but hardware acc does'nt!).
Occasionally the Vidon app crashes back to the desktop.
Xbmc is snappy and fast (as fast as my Revo, and way faster than RaspMC).
There also appear to be passthrough options over HDMI in the Audio settings, I have'nt tested them yet.
The biggest issue that I have is that the 1080p display appears to be an upscaled 720p! which sucks completely.
This is a quote from amazon
"Support HDMI Full HD 1080p Out, HD, 3D Videos, Online TV ,radio and web surfing"
I can set 1080p from within the android settings and indeed the Tv switches to 1080p,
but from within devtools app that it comes with, it clearly states 1280*720, as well as in system info of the Vidon Xbmc.
Also I can't see any difference between 720p and 1080p files, so it must be upscaling.
I probably wont be keeping after I return, a family member with a HD-Ready tv can have it, as they wont need 1080p.
So if you want a fast/cheap android/Xbmc (Frodo) box to run HD-Ready files over smb or locally, then this pretty good, just bear in mind the remote won't be much good for games or fast navigation when browsing.
I can go into more depth if anyone wants...