Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Android First Quad Core true-hardware decoding Android+XBMC TV set box
According to the management of the VidOn company VidOn XBMC was designed only for their hardware products, the AV100 and AV200 media players. Therefore, I would have some trepidation about installing their software on what they consider to be a rogue box.
I use a microsoft mouse on a mac computer. It will be okay :P
as long as you can flash our firmware onto your box.

(2014-02-28, 19:52)davilla Wrote: Justinuk, fair warning that if you cannot provide XBMC source code, then you are in violation of the XBMC GPLv2 license. Please a) comply or b) stop using XBMC.

go and get it, vidon posted them on github already
They didn't post the full source code (I mean all their modification). Its useless.

EDIT: they seem to have updated their git 2 days after my comment. Someone will have to test it
Has anyone got anywhere with this?
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