HTPCW start / come back to XBMC,Control Emulators,Shell,Focus and set the Guidebutton
-choose the Gamepad to be used
-define Closing Method for each Program !
-Close Windowsexplorer when XBMC starts
-set a Button (like Guidebutton) to close all Emulators, started with ADVL /RCB and come back to XBMC !
-set the Focus to XBMC (Timer incl)
-you can deactivate the XBMC Focus for Programs like Firefox
-Start and Close XBMC with Guidebutton !
-the Guidebutton is mapable !
-lnk support for RCB and ADVL
-run XBMC as Shell !
-starts automatically Windowsexplorer after exit XBMC as Shell !
-starts XBMC after suspend / standby
-you can keep the running Programm in via Advanced Launcher / Rom Collection Browser in foreground (Focus)
- XBMC can be end when the Emulator starts and restarts after the Emulator has finished
-you can set a priority Level and the number of CPU Cores for each program to run ! So Emulators like Dolphin running with more frames !
-you can activate a virtuell Keyboard with a mapped Button.... usefull in Firefox !
-you can set a Directory for the settings / Gamesettings for each program ! When the Emulator ends XBMCWatcher will copy the Settings / Gamesettings oft the Emulator to this Directory ! So you can set this Directory to a Usbstick or a second Hard Drive !
-all Buttons can be mapped with Mouse and Keyfunctions !! You can map a Button also with more than one Keyboardfunction !
-you can set the CPU workload of my Programm
-the Programm can be set in the Autostartregistry
Can anyone post that my Shellfunction works with Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 ?
Chrome v32 (win8.1 x64)blocked the download because it says it's a virus.
This is a Problem of the Heuristic Scan Method in Avast to detect new Viruses. In XBMCLauncher there was the same Problem !

As promised i tried your program. I first tried to download with chrome which did not work die to the virus warning.
Downloading with Flashget then worked. I then extracted XBMCWatcher32 and launched XBMCWatcher32.exe but i got
an error saying that the path can not be found and that i may nto have enough rights. After the message the exe file gets deleted.
I had it on the desktop so i assume thats the problem (that or Bitdefender), I will try some more later today and let you know.
I also tried watchertest32.exe and it asked me to open a program, i do not know why it says that yet but i will keep trying.
I have now tested to download with Chrome and got the same Virus warning ! No idea how to fix that !

launched XBMCWatcher32.exe but i got
an error saying that the path can not be found and that i may nto have enough rights.

What OS do you have ? Do you have Adminrights ? Please deactivate Bitdefender that should be solve the Problem !
Hi !

i have Windows 8 64bit. And here also lies my first error: it seems the 32bit Version of XBMCWachter does not work on my machine,
i think the reason is the false positive for a virus which bitdefender clears before i can do anything with the program.

The 64 bit Version starts up and seems to work. I can only say i am impressed, it has a LOT of features and settings.

So here my two cents:

1. You should try to get rid of the false positive in your 32bit Version . I can not 100% tell you how, but i think it has to do with somethnig
your program does that a virus scanner might find suspicious like changing files in the system etc. You could try to put some of your code in comments
and test if it is still recognized as virus.

2. You should write some kind of guide or tutorial or description to give the user a headstart. Because having an application that has a lot of features
can be a bit overwhelming for someone new to it.
The 32 bit version is only for 32 bit users ! I forgot it to say ! On a 64 bit OS the Process ID can only be detected by a 64 bit Program ! I have now post and read a lot of the Virus Problem in a german Forum but I cant find any solution !

I will try to write a guide but this is still difficult for me Smile ...because its not my native language...
(2014-09-17, 08:22)3dhubiflieger Wrote: I have created a new Version. You can download it here:

This link doesn't seem to be working. Any updates?
I have disabled the download... because there is no response
There is a new Version out ! Try it !!! Smile You can choose between German and Englisch !

Download it on :
Will do. Thanks!
Will try it too. Thanks
Zotac CI320 Nano : (4Go, SSD 64Go, W7_64)
Zotac CI323 Nano : (4Go, SSD 120Go, W10)

Acer Aspire 5740G (Intel I3 330M, 4Go, WD 500Go, W7_64)
Desktop (Intel Q6600@3Ghz, 6Go, Seagate 500Go & Seagate 320 Go W7_64)

NAS Synology DS213+ : 2*3To WD Red (SHR)
NAS Synology DS215J : 2*4To WD Red (SHR)

All under KODI Jarvis 16, Aeon Nox Silvo Mod & Mr.V Widget Mod.

You are a genius!!! It works pefectly in my W7 x64 and has everything I need for using XBMC with the controller, the only issue I had was when it launches the Pcsx2 emulator from the Advanced Launcher when closing Explorer.exe is checked, a "tag" appear near the left downside corner over the emulator video, for going back to XBMC if needed, I solved that with Deskpin. Thank you for your great job.

Edit: The "tag" is gone because I checked the option of closing XBMC when Advanced Launcher launches a game or emulator, thank you again Smile
Thanks for your post. I have now a new Version out that fixed some Problems. If this does not work for you, please download a old Version from my German Thread and post the Problem.

-Now you can add/remove Programms manually after the Watcher hast read the List from ADVL / RCB
-You load unlimited Programms to start with Kodi as Shell
-You can set a Delay until Kodi starts as Shell
-I have done modifikations with the Autostart and Backbutton. No Idea if this works for you.

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HTPCW start / come back to XBMC,Control Emulators,Shell,Focus and set the Guidebutton0
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