2014-01-07, 15:19
I just wanted to share some video of my Ambilight clone setup. I thought some folks with non-ideal environments might be interested in seeing. Overall I am quite pleased despite the fact that my monitor is not mounted on a white wall and I have a wider bezel.
I am running XBMC 12.3 on W7x64 (i7 920, 8Gb RAM, GTX 600), with AmbiBox in the background going to an Arduino Leonardo linked to a WS2801 strip with 150 LEDs spread over 5m. The AmbiBox plugin for XBMC automatically switches from screen edge capture mode to ColorMusic mode when you launch music, but can be overridden simply with a key combination that I programmed to my remote. My display is a 60" Pioneer Kuro.
The first couple of minutes of video just shows the setup. Then there is demo showing the screen capture feature with the intro to Game of Thrones. This is followed by a demo of the ColorMusic feature where different LED zones light based on frequency bands. Unfortunately no sophisticated beat detection algorithms yet.
Finally, there is a demo where I use XBMC to run WinAmp as an external player to that I can use MilkDrop 2 visualizations. This is the best part.
Full video link here:http://youtu.be/VQXy1lPIb9s
Link to the last part with MilkDrop here: http://youtu.be/VQXy1lPIb9s?t=6m8s
Setup in daylight:

Snapshot with ambient lighting:
I just wanted to share some video of my Ambilight clone setup. I thought some folks with non-ideal environments might be interested in seeing. Overall I am quite pleased despite the fact that my monitor is not mounted on a white wall and I have a wider bezel.
I am running XBMC 12.3 on W7x64 (i7 920, 8Gb RAM, GTX 600), with AmbiBox in the background going to an Arduino Leonardo linked to a WS2801 strip with 150 LEDs spread over 5m. The AmbiBox plugin for XBMC automatically switches from screen edge capture mode to ColorMusic mode when you launch music, but can be overridden simply with a key combination that I programmed to my remote. My display is a 60" Pioneer Kuro.
The first couple of minutes of video just shows the setup. Then there is demo showing the screen capture feature with the intro to Game of Thrones. This is followed by a demo of the ColorMusic feature where different LED zones light based on frequency bands. Unfortunately no sophisticated beat detection algorithms yet.
Finally, there is a demo where I use XBMC to run WinAmp as an external player to that I can use MilkDrop 2 visualizations. This is the best part.
Full video link here:http://youtu.be/VQXy1lPIb9s
Link to the last part with MilkDrop here: http://youtu.be/VQXy1lPIb9s?t=6m8s
Setup in daylight:

Snapshot with ambient lighting: