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Release Chorus - A Web UI
Thats not our problem Big Grin, if you care, go complain to Qnap.
Of course, it was not meant as an accusation - I'm just still curious to figure out whether such a folder exist or not, or if indeed the system tree is the only way on a QNAP. But as you clearly say, this issue belongs in the QNAP forum, and I will branch over there.
So far, many thanks to everyone for great help, and you especially un1versal. Angel
yw, enjoy Chorus 2
Hello great project.

I would like to use my raspberry pi b as a music player only and would like to use an android tablet as a remote control.
I would like to remove the menus that will be never used like Movies and TVshow to be girlfriend friendly.
Would it be possible to do that via modifying some files in the addon. I have also have not seen a way to stop a program only pause it.

I am using chorus 0.3,1 maybe chorus 2 will have some of those features
Chorus is great, but it doesn´t show "artist who only appear in compilations", e.g "Angélique Kidjo" with album "Sings". In Kodi itself I can "Include artist who only appear in compilations", but in Chorus, there´s no such option.
Will it be there in the future? I use OpenELEC 6.01 on a RPi2
It's weird, I have succesfully installed Chorus 2 in Kodi 15.2 and I have disabled and removed the old version from My Add-Ons.
Still, Chorus 2 says Version 0.3.9 in the About screen (?)
I use Chrome and yes, I have flushed the browser cache.

Any idea?
I have tried to connect 2 Raspberry Pi´s on the same network and with diffent IP adresses, and I can´t connect to number 2. Is it only possible to connect to 1? I have tried on others ports than port 80 I use on the first Raspberry. Anyone who can help me fix the problem?
(2014-04-29, 10:13)asiaminor Wrote:
(2014-04-29, 05:13)jez500 Wrote: I'll add the spacebar (play/pause) to the keyboard commands for you

Thank you very muıch and while you are dealing with please add + to increase volume and - to decrease volume Smile

And one more thing I have noticed, if I play the movie from chorus movies library it is not resuming, while it is resuming if I use remote control buttons in chorus

Did these volume controls ever get added?
In Kodi I am used to using '-' to decrease volume and '=' or '+' to increase volume.
I can't seem to adjust the volume in this way with Chorus?

(2014-08-16, 08:30)sassafras Wrote: Great web player with a sublime UI.

It would be an amazing and presumably easy addition to have a button to toggle the visualization mode. Is this in the cards?

Thanks again


same here... how to go to visualization screen? (tab key)
I have discovered that the - and + volume keys are bound only to the number pad keys, not to the main keyboard ones. This creates problems for users who do not have a number pad (ie: laptop users). I have created a push request on Chorus 2 with a potential fix for this.
Chorus1 was cool but sometimes behaved a little odd when adding music to the playlist. I'm using Chorus2 now and it seems even cooler, but have some of the adding/queuing features been removed?

My case may be kinda specific: I have not yet put in the effort into organizing my music into a library database. Just too many false IDs and unknown artists. Maybe someday. In the meantime, I just use Kodi's filebrowser for music selection. I like to keep my TV off and use either the Kodi ios app or (preferably) Chorus to load up hours of music while I'm working. I can just use Chrome's in-page text search to find which album I'm looking for and then in Chorus1, I would click on the "+" and it to the playlist. It wouldn't always work perfectly but well enough.

Now in Chorus2, I can't seem to get any "+" to appear over a folder or even an mp3. Just the play symbol in the album art location. I've tried right clicking and dragging, etc. I can't seem to highlight or select a folder or even a file. I can click the album art > Play button and the album will technically get "added" to the playlist, but it will start playing the album, interrupting my current queue (50% of the time it will start playing a track from the middle of the album for some reason).

Maybe this is intended behavior and I missed a discussion on it in the previous pages, but I was wondering if I was missing an option or an obvious button somewhere. Is there any way to simply queue folders/albums/tracks in Chorus2?

(Chorus 0.3.10 from the github zip on 16 RC3, I think it's 3)
Hi, I'm new to Kodi and Chorus, but I like both a lot. One problem though. I cannot seem to save a play list across sessions.

I can save a playlist, give it a name etc... But when I restart my laptop (Chorus) or Kodi (cubox-i pro with Openelec), the playlists are nowhere to be found and I have to start all over again. Which is annoying, because I make a playlist for the whole day and then put it on repeat.

I would like to have the same playlist the next day and simply remove or add music.

Any ideas?
How it works with Jarvis. I do not understand . I can not find in the Chorus addons available, when I finished the installation. I can not start anything. Can I get help
Hi to all, I have been trying everything but I just can´t download files (tvshows or movies).

Has someone been able to download files to their computer through chorus?

I´m using raspberry pi with osmc (kodi 16 and chorus 2 V.2.0.13)

Thanks for the help, Chorus 2 is awesome, hope we can have a final release
(2016-03-02, 21:34)besgum Wrote: Hi to all, I have been trying everything but I just can´t download files (tvshows or movies).

Has someone been able to download files to their computer through chorus?

I´m using raspberry pi with osmc (kodi 16 and chorus 2 V.2.0.13)

Thanks for the help, Chorus 2 is awesome, hope we can have a final release

Download from where? Chorus is a web interface for your Kodi installation.
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