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Release Chorus - A Web UI

I installed version 2.0.14 from GitHub, but when I run Chorus2 it still says 2.0.11 in the help menu ??
(Kodi 16 on QNAP HD Station)
@BatterPudding as I'm sure you know as a kodi user, a "VideoLibraryClean" if all your devices holding your media aren't currently awake present would pretty much wipe the entire database. So yes it can be fairly destructive. I wouldn't turn that loose on anyone. Although you can change the settings to not allow actual file deletion, but any user with access to the WebUI can easily change that setting back if they'd like to.
(2016-04-20, 21:44)mikedpitt420 Wrote: @BatterPudding as I'm sure you know as a kodi user, a "VideoLibraryClean" if all your devices holding your media aren't currently awake present would pretty much wipe the entire database. So yes it can be fairly destructive. I wouldn't turn that loose on anyone. Although you can change the settings to not allow actual file deletion, but any user with access to the WebUI can easily change that setting back if they'd like to.
Errr... that is back to front. If your sources are on the network and asleep then the VideoLibraryClean will not remove them. There is a built in protection for sleeping servers. I think it may also be for USB drives too. Certainly protects the sources.xml folders.

I can understand that the web interface would update the library and clean it. Just surprised me that more destructive functions can be run too.

(Funny topic to pick... I'm the co-author of a new addon to clean up the library as it gets full of crud from everything you ever watch ever....)
I came to see if here was any way to change the display order on the search results. For example, I'd like to list Movies, then TV Shows, then Music last. Is that something you could arrange or do I have to dig through the code and try to sort it out?
Did anyone reported LiveTV isn't working when no series are added?

Today for some reason my Kodi DB got lost and i tried to launch LiveTV via Series but it didn't respond, Radio worked .
I have Chorus2 installed on my kodi but this machine is only available on the internal network. I wanted to make chorus2 also available on the web so I can see my movie collection or see if someone is playing with my kodi when I'm not at home.
I already have a webserver in the same internal network and this server is accessible from the web.
In the apache2 configuration from the webserver I added following line:
ProxyPreserveHost Off
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/kodi[/](.*)$ http://<INTERNAL IP>:8080/$1 [P]

Now when I surf to my url/kodi/ I get all my movies/tv shows/... but no covers


Is there a way to fix this?
@vincentvriends: If you are exposing that interface to the web, you are going to want to tighten up the file security. And also understand that you are opening up an access to your whole PC via JSON.

@BatterPudding: I placed the kodi interface on a private page on the website. You first need to log in to access the chorus2 interface.
The web interface can't find the images, I think there is a problem with the permissions or with the url he tries to access.
Hey, is there any solution now?

Quote:@dev's: i am not up to date with the development, but if this is still an issue with the current version(i use the one built on 03-12-2015), i think there should be some changes for download, maybe for streaming too.
to dowload, i have the link:
but it should be:
Is this also the place to ask questions regarding Chorus2 aka webinterface.kodi ?

I'm playing with this web ui version 2.0.14 but the power button is acting differently then in Chorus version 1.
With version 1 it gave me a popup with selection options to reboot, power off, hibernate, etc.
With Chorus2 it directly shuts down Kodi, is this intentional or should i also have the popup as seen in Chorus 1?
Can i modify this behaviour?>
I am thinking of trying out Chorus 2. I really like Chorus (1), but, like others, I have not been able to get media to play in a browser or download media. I think the issue i have is the one referred to here (except for me webinterface.kodi is replaced by webinterface.chorus):

(2016-06-28, 02:19)oOSpikeOo Wrote: Hey, is there any solution now?

Quote:@dev's: i am not up to date with the development, but if this is still an issue with the current version(i use the one built on 03-12-2015), i think there should be some changes for download, maybe for streaming too.
to dowload, i have the link:
but it should be:

I have also seen this issue referenced here:


and here:


If this is fixed in Chorus 2, I would definitely like to give it a try. Anyone know?
(2016-07-06, 03:26)packjed Wrote: I have also seen this issue referenced here:


and here:


If this is fixed in Chorus 2, I would definitely like to give it a try. Anyone know?

AFAIK nope, doesnt work
Can't figure out where to click "thank user", but thanks!
(2016-07-06, 18:45)packjed Wrote: Can't figure out where to click "thank user", but thanks!
There is a daft rule on the forum that means you need to post ten times before the <Thank User> button is available to you.

So either return later and hit the button, or spray random spam and questions around the forum until you hit the magic double figures, then you can <Thank User>.
I have just installed Chorus and thanks to this wonderful skin, KODI and my new Raspberry Pi 3 its just a dream to search and play music (and videos!) locally on my PC browser.

One thing that I can't find:
I also have installed the CU LRC Lyrics Addon which works great on my TV screen directly attached to the Pi.
How can I configure Chorus to show the same lyrics on my Browser?
Or what do I have to configure on KODI to make this possible?
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