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Release Chorus - A Web UI
Hi All,

Just a note to say as of Krypton (v17) beta 6 you will find Chorus2 as the default web interface for Kodi, so no additional instal/download required, you just enable it. Yay!
The github repo has also moved to the xbmc org https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2

Please post issues and feature requests here https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/issues so they can be tracked (check the list first to see if it has already been added).

Unfortunately I don't have the time to maintain both v1 and v2 so if v1 has a bug, consider moving to v2 and if v2 is missing a feature that v1 had then add that it as an issue to v2.

All contributions welcome (and appreciated) probably the easiest one is if you speak a language other than english, add a translation: https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/blob/mas.../readme.md

I am using Chrous 2 with Krypton
Is there any documentation regarding the URLs to use in Settings/Nav to edit the URLs for movies and TV shows. etc.
I am looking to change the TV Shows to "In Progress" rather than default URL of tvshows/recent. I searched but couldn't find anything listed as suitable URLs to change from the default URLs in this section.
Thanks in advance.
(2017-01-01, 16:44)dakh Wrote: I am using Chrous 2 with Krypton
Is there any documentation regarding the URLs to use in Settings/Nav to edit the URLs for movies and TV shows. etc.
I am looking to change the TV Shows to "In Progress" rather than default URL of tvshows/recent. I searched but couldn't find anything listed as suitable URLs to change from the default URLs in this section.
Thanks in advance.

Grab the latest version https://github.com/xbmc/chorus2/releases - it has much better media landing pages including an 'in progress' section. You can also pass url queries to the full list pages eg


however #movies can be a slow page to load if you have lots of movies

You can also do the same with other filtered pages, eg.

Author of Chorus
Thanks. Latest version is awesome. Keep up the great work. Much appreciated.
Thanks for that great interface (works perfectly under Snow Leopard's Safari by the way)

here are a feature request:

- would it be possible to add "played"/"read" marks next to file names (to know which has already been played) ?
(2017-01-07, 13:11)NicoTchoum Wrote: Thanks for that great interface (works perfectly under Snow Leopard's Safari by the way)

here are a feature request:

- would it be possible to add "played"/"read" marks next to file names (to know which has already been played) ?

Watched items have a blue line across the bottom, this also indicates progress. eg if you are half way through a video the line will only go half way across the item (you also get a blue tick on hover which you can use to toggle watched)

Only available with items in your video library as that is what tracks the progress and what has been watched
Author of Chorus
I very much like the new and fresh Chorus 2 webui.
Do you think it would be possible to add a tv guide/epg grid to the tv section?

I woud like to use the webui for remotely scheduling tv timers. As of now I can only start recording from what is currently aired.
Some pvr backends have their own plugins/webuis for this, but I think it woud give users a much better experence if it was part of the kodi webui.
Possible to display weather conditions (openweathermap (extended))?

Send with much love & Android.
RPi3 | RPi4 | LibreElec Kodi
(2017-01-08, 12:21)nojoe Wrote: Possible to display weather conditions (openweathermap (extended))?

I think it might just be easier if you typed weather.com in a new web browser tab Wink
Author of Chorus
(2017-01-07, 18:22)Spirou Wrote: I very much like the new and fresh Chorus 2 webui.
Do you think it would be possible to add a tv guide/epg grid to the tv section?

I woud like to use the webui for remotely scheduling tv timers. As of now I can only start recording from what is currently aired.
Some pvr backends have their own plugins/webuis for this, but I think it woud give users a much better experence if it was part of the kodi webui.

Maybe, I don't have the hardware for PVR stuff, but if someone wants to improve this section (or donate a hd homerun) I will gladly help with the code
Author of Chorus
@jez500 maybe ask the BOD. Keith has some contacts at silicondust that he could potentially reach out to.
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The official Kodi version does not contain any content what so ever. This means that you should provide your own content from a local or remote storage location, DVD, Blu-Ray or any other media carrier that you own. Additionally Kodi allows you to install third-party plugins that may provide access to content that is freely available on the official content provider website. The watching or listening of illegal or pirated content which would otherwise need to be paid for is not endorsed or approved by Team Kodi.
Hello. I would like to know how to reboot and shutdown my RPI from chorus web interace
Hi All,

I'm having a problem playing files locally in my browser. I can see them playing but there is no sound in Chrome. Other sites work okay. At first I thought it was FLAC files but MP3s are also mute. I'm sure it's just a simple setting. What am I doing wrong?

Best, Duncan

Love the interface, and I have a suggestion.

Would it be possible to create a page (accessible via URL) and/or a link somewhere on the main UI that would make the current "remote control" go full screen ?

Chorus2 could easily replace all of these android / Iphone remote controls if that existed, just point your phone's browser to your Kodi's IP ( and bam.

the other reason I ask for this is for a "kid-friendly" zone, this way I can give my tablet/phone to my kids and leave it on the "full-screen remote" page and I know they wont mess with any settings (or even get lost in some menu). they would be able to pause or skip the current movie but that's pretty much it.

I hope this makes sense,

thanks !
(2017-01-09, 13:37)jez500 Wrote:
(2017-01-07, 18:22)Spirou Wrote: I very much like the new and fresh Chorus 2 webui.
Do you think it would be possible to add a tv guide/epg grid to the tv section?

I woud like to use the webui for remotely scheduling tv timers. As of now I can only start recording from what is currently aired.
Some pvr backends have their own plugins/webuis for this, but I think it woud give users a much better experence if it was part of the kodi webui.

Maybe, I don't have the hardware for PVR stuff, but if someone wants to improve this section (or donate a hd homerun) I will gladly help with the code

Thanks for the great web interface jez500! I second Spirou's request. I'm not a programmer, so I can't help with code, but I'd be willing to chip in on the hardware costs to enable you to develop the EPG guide, series timers, etc.
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