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Android HOW-TO Configure Advanced Launcher and Rom Collection Browser for emulators
bradwatson, I too am able to get it working through rom collection browser, but only using cores other than retroarch. Everytime I try to use retroarch, I get a weird mess of a background and then it comes back to rcb. I'll continue to mess with it tonight. Thanks for posting the config, it helped make sure I grabbed the right emulators. Have you had any luck using retroarch emulators?
Rushingjs, that's interesting as I'm having the exact opposite problem. I have those same issues pop up when I use anything but Retroarch. Did you use RCB to autoconfigure the same emulators used by bradjohnson?
I did. I will say I only have tested N64, and SNES... Using the same emulators bradwatson is. I am going to test play station, SEGA, and NES here in a minute, will report back. Also, it' would be ideal if xbmc didn't have to restart every time I play a rom.... Anybody else not have xbmc restart after exiting an emulator?
If either of those are working, you are doing better than I am. I tried NES, SNES, N64 and Genesis, and all but the SNES gave me the weird background. (I've since found that weird background is XBMC minimizing the screen. It did it once when I had a keyboard in and accidentally pressed the minimize button.) The SNES would load, but it wouldn't load the ROM. Instead, I'd be brought to the emulator main menu to load a ROM from there which defeats the purpose of RCB.

But yeah, I found with Retroarch and the SNES, it would restart XBMC when I returned.

Another question - is your device rooted? Mine is so was wondering if that had something to do with why our set-ups were working opposite one another.
I have no had any success with retroarch. I ran into the same issues you guys ran into and just punted on that effort. But the .emu emulators work just fine. Also mupen64 works fine but just doesn't launch into the game like the others. I also can't get the md.emu (Genesis emulator) to work with my xbox 360 wireless controller, which is weird because the NES and SNE .emu emulators work just fine with it. I am using Amazon Fire TV.

Here is my full config.xml which is located at /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.xbmc/files/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/script.games.rom.collection.browser/:

<config version="2.0.8">
    <RomCollection id="1" name="Nintendo 64">
      <gameclient />
      <emulatorParams>-c 'am start --user 0 -n paulscode.android.mupen64plus.free/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.MainActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%" &amp;&amp; am start --user 0 -S -n paulscode.android.mupen64plus.free/paulscode.android.mupen64plusae.PlayMenuActivity'</emulatorParams>
      <saveStatePath />
      <saveStateParams />
      <mediaPath type="boxback">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/N64/ROMs/boxback//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="boxfront">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/N64/ROMs/boxfront//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="cartridge">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/N64/ROMs/cartridge//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="screenshot">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/N64/ROMs/screenshot//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="fanart">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/N64/ROMs/fanart//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <preCmd />
      <postCmd />
      <scraper name="thegamesdb.net" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="archive.vg" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="mobygames.com" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
    <RomCollection id="2" name="NES">
      <gameclient />
      <emulatorParams>start --user 0 -n com.explusalpha.NesEmu/com.imagine.BaseActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%"</emulatorParams>
      <saveStatePath />
      <saveStateParams />
      <mediaPath type="boxfront">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Nintendo/ROMs/boxfront//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="boxback">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Nintendo/ROMs/boxback//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="cartridge">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Nintendo/ROMs/cartridge//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="screenshot">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Nintendo/ROMs/screenshot//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="fanart">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Nintendo/ROMs/fanart//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <preCmd />
      <postCmd />
      <scraper name="thegamesdb.net" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="archive.vg" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="mobygames.com" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
    <RomCollection id="3" name="SNES">
      <gameclient />
      <emulatorParams>start --user 0 -n com.explusalpha.Snes9xPlus/com.imagine.BaseActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%"</emulatorParams>
      <saveStatePath />
      <saveStateParams />
      <mediaPath type="boxfront">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/SNES/ROMs/boxfront//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="boxback">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/SNES/ROMs/boxback//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="cartridge">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/SNES/ROMs/cartridge//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="screenshot">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/SNES/ROMs/screenshot//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="fanart">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/SNES/ROMs/fanart//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <preCmd />
      <postCmd />
      <scraper name="thegamesdb.net" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="archive.vg" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="mobygames.com" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
    <RomCollection id="4" name="Genesis">
      <gameclient />
      <emulatorParams>start --user 0 -n com.explusalpha.MdEmu/com.imagine.BaseActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file://%rom%"</emulatorParams>
      <saveStatePath />
      <saveStateParams />
      <mediaPath type="boxfront">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Genesis/ROMs/boxfront//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="boxback">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Genesis/ROMs/boxback//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="screenshot">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Genesis/ROMs/screenshot//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <mediaPath type="fanart">/storage/emulated/0/usbStorage/sda1/emulation/Genesis/ROMs/fanart//%GAME%.*</mediaPath>
      <preCmd />
      <postCmd />
      <scraper name="thegamesdb.net" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="archive.vg" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
      <scraper name="mobygames.com" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
    <FileType id="1" name="boxfront">
    <FileType id="2" name="boxback">
    <FileType id="3" name="cartridge">
    <FileType id="4" name="screenshot">
    <FileType id="5" name="fanart">
    <FileType id="6" name="action">
    <FileType id="7" name="title">
    <FileType id="8" name="3dbox">
    <FileType id="9" name="romcollection">
    <FileType id="10" name="developer">
    <FileType id="11" name="publisher">
    <FileType id="12" name="gameplay">
    <FileType id="13" name="cabinet">
    <FileType id="14" name="marquee">
    <fileTypeFor name="gameinfobig">
    <fileTypeFor name="gameinfosmall">
    <fileTypeFor name="gameinfomamemarquee">
    <fileTypeFor name="gameinfomamecabinet">
    <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="local nfo" searchGameByCRC="False">
      <Scraper parseInstruction="00 - local nfo.xml" source="nfo" />
    <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="thegamesdb.net" searchGameByCRC="False">
      <Scraper parseInstruction="02 - thegamesdb.xml" source="http://thegamesdb.net/api/GetGame.php?name=%GAME%&amp;platform=%PLATFORM%" />
    <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="giantbomb.com" searchGameByCRC="False">
      <Scraper parseInstruction="03.01 - giantbomb - search.xml" returnUrl="true" source="http://api.giantbomb.com/search/?api_key=%GIANTBOMBAPIKey%&amp;query=%GAME%&amp;resources=game&amp;field_list=api_detail_url,name&amp;format=xml" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="03.02 - giantbomb - detail.xml" source="1" />
    <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="mobygames.com" searchGameByCRC="False">
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.01 - mobygames - gamesearch.xml" returnUrl="true" source="http://www.mobygames.com/search/quick?game=%GAME%&amp;amp;p=%PLATFORM%" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.02 - mobygames - details.xml" source="1" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.03 - mobygames - coverlink front.xml" returnUrl="true" source="1" sourceAppend="cover-art" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.04 - mobygames - coverdetail front.xml" source="2" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.05 - mobygames - coverlink back.xml" returnUrl="true" source="1" sourceAppend="cover-art" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.06 - mobygames - coverdetail back.xml" source="3" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.07 - mobygames - coverlink media.xml" returnUrl="true" source="1" sourceAppend="cover-art" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.08 - mobygames - coverdetail media.xml" source="4" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.09 - mobygames - screenshotlink.xml" returnUrl="true" source="1" sourceAppend="screenshots" />
      <Scraper parseInstruction="04.10 - mobygames - screenshot detail.xml" source="5" />
    <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="archive.vg" searchGameByCRC="False">
      <Scraper encoding="iso-8859-1" parseInstruction="05.01 - archive - search.xml" returnUrl="true" source="http://api.archive.vg/2.0/Archive.search/%ARCHIVEAPIKEY%/%GAME%" />
      <Scraper encoding="iso-8859-1" parseInstruction="05.02 - archive - detail.xml" source="1" />
    <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="maws.mameworld.info" searchGameByCRC="False">
      <Scraper encoding="iso-8859-1" parseInstruction="06 - maws.xml" source="http://maws.mameworld.info/maws/romset/%GAME%" />
I'm using the Amazon Fire TV as well, and yes it is rooted. I noticed this was xbmc minimizing as well, but it still seems to do it even when I turn this off in the RCB settings (under launch).

It would be really nice if xbmc didn't have to restart... I'm running Aeon Nox 4 Gotham and the loading is a bit tedious, but the skin runs fine once items are cached. Perhaps though if it didn't kill it, emulator performance would suffer?

Could you post your config for us? I'd like to get retroarch working.

One more thing I experienced was trying to add a PlayStation collection, it never gave me the option to pick a playstation core, RCB just does nothing. Either of you have the same issue?
First of all thanks for the hard work and good looking tutorial

I am looking for a way to integrate a nes rom with an android emulator
So that running the game would be very easy task like this :
1.install apk
2. run the emulator and the game itself runs automatically!

I searched Google with these keywords : launch rom android emulator
and within the results I found here
Did I come to the right place?

Thanks in advance

Sorry I am totally clueless and am limited in my knowledge. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get N64 roms to play.

on ROM Collection Browser:

Games do not launch. when i click the game it just says "Launch Game X" and nothing. just stays like that.

On Advanced Launcher:

"cannot create backup" and "cannot create launchers.xml file". Games don't do anything when i click on them

running on Frodo and my device is a MyGica. I would like to get it working on ROM Collection Browser as I like the look of it.
Hello guys,i need help plz,i'm blocked here for advanced launcher, i use a minix x7,rooted,SPMC :

Same problem here as enriquc

cannot create xml file nor backup

any help appreciated,thx
We know something about it running on ANDROID?

I get the same error :

- No Root

"cannot create backup" and "cannot create launchers.xml file" ?? Huh
Currently is this guide still valid? or is retroarch for android a 'better/newer' way of doing this.
(2014-10-23, 12:51)herds Wrote: Currently is this guide still valid? or is retroarch for android a 'better/newer' way of doing this.
Works for me. I didn't have much success with retroarch.
Could I trouble you for your applaunch.sh and launcher.py files? I tried editing them as stated in the first post, but I get errors. Also, what version of RCB are you using? I'm on 2.0.17. Also, what version of Mupen are you using for N64? (I have a rooted FireTV.) And I know this is probably a really dumb question, but once I select the version of Mupen I use, does the program download it or do I need to sideload it manually and point to that?

I came to this thread from your XDA post on your awesome XBMC on Fire TV setup. So I know yours is working good. Smile

Thank you!
it is not working dreamcast emulator(REICAST) on android.

The reicast open and close after that.

all the others does work

I am using this:

am start -n com.reicast.emulator/.GL2JNIActivity -a android.intent.action.VIEW -eu Uri "file:///storage/sdcard1/ROMs/DREAMCAST/Ikaruga.chd"

I know it is possible to run, because using GameSome app, it can launch reicast without problem.
(2014-11-12, 20:35)LakersFan Wrote: Brad,
Could I trouble you for your applaunch.sh and launcher.py files? I tried editing them as stated in the first post, but I get errors. Also, what version of RCB are you using? I'm on 2.0.17. Also, what version of Mupen are you using for N64? (I have a rooted FireTV.) And I know this is probably a really dumb question, but once I select the version of Mupen I use, does the program download it or do I need to sideload it manually and point to that?

I came to this thread from your XDA post on your awesome XBMC on Fire TV setup. So I know yours is working good. Smile

Thank you!
Traveling today, but should be able to get this info to you tomorrow.
(2014-11-12, 20:35)LakersFan Wrote: Brad,
Could I trouble you for your applaunch.sh and launcher.py files? I tried editing them as stated in the first post, but I get errors. Also, what version of RCB are you using? I'm on 2.0.17. Also, what version of Mupen are you using for N64? (I have a rooted FireTV.) And I know this is probably a really dumb question, but once I select the version of Mupen I use, does the program download it or do I need to sideload it manually and point to that?

I came to this thread from your XDA post on your awesome XBMC on Fire TV setup. So I know yours is working good. Smile

Thank you!
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