Replacement Remotes
As most of you probably know, once you find a decent remote for xbmc on your htpc it can be a hassle to replace it or find one you like as much as the one you have been using because so many times they have discontinued that model. Well I was just faced with this issue.

The remote control we had been using lasted for 8 years. It originally came with a gateway media center computer we purchased and is no longer made. Well it recently decided it no longer wished to respond to keypresses on the volume key. We thought about getting a mini keyboard but we really just wanted a remote that functioned & felt like a traditional remote. We didn't want to spend an arm & a leg on a harmony remote because the only thing we're using the remote for is XBMC we don't watch regular TV at all and don't have a reciever to control.

After looking around for a few days on Amazon, new egg, and other places on a whim I decided to type in the model number of my remote in google. This lead me to the website Where I found a refurbished version of our remote for $9.99. Which I happily ordered. The site is a google trusted store and I thought It would be nice to share it here with other people who use HTPC setups in case somebody else was in the same boat.
Moved by request of OP
(2014-02-17, 07:36)Kib Wrote: Moved by request of OP

thank you Smile
Just as a complete aside... over the years, I've had very many remote controls, telephones and the like lose function in a handful of keys. It's normally due to a greasy build-up on the plastic membrane that sits between the keys and the sensors. Take the device apart (normally with some minor case damage as they're not meant to be disassembled), clean the membrane and circuit board with ethanol, and you're done for another couple of years.

I suspect that WD40 would also work, although that may leave a residue that you'd need to wash off with detergent and water, which is fine for the membrane but obviously less so for the circuit board.
Good find!

I have taken to "backing up" remotes when i get them, had too many die over the years and i refuse to pay more than £20 for a replacement.
LM Remote Keymap is a good send for this.

You can then use this to blast IR from an emitter, or map the most used buttons all onto one remote.
Pro Features are a database of remotes, i dont use this as they dont publish what devices are in the db.

Just FYI, in case it helps anyone

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