Working for anyone?
I don't even remember when I saw this add-on working.
I don't remember seeing it ever brake.
(2017-02-08, 02:46)host505 Wrote: I don't remember seeing it ever brake.

So, for you subtitles working? For me also not.
"Podnapisi.net error
See log"
Of course, I set my username/pass.
titlovi not work, podnapisi not work cccc
Stopped working for me as of Krypton update. It just reports "No subtitles found". In case author reads this thread, I'm willing to support/fund further development of this addon.
Not working on Jarvis, too.
OK, for me podnapisi addon doesnt work, or sometimes, very rarely, the window with subtitles pops up and than quickly disappear.
It is obvious that subtitles sites are closing down for Kodi users, and I understand the reason, we do not visit sites anymore,
and non commercial sites need visitors.
At the moment the only add-on which works for me is subscene.com. However, subscene doesnt have a lot of subtitles that I need,
so the only solution is to upload specific subtitles to the site, which is obviously the task for more than one man.

P.S. Of course, theres always a manual option, to download the subtitle and then add it during playback.
For me, podnapisi are working just fine on 16.1 jarvis. If you have enabled serbo-croatian(as one) language in settings try to disabled it. Works for me
(2017-02-14, 18:21)Sass Wrote: For me, podnapisi are working just fine on 16.1 jarvis. If you have enabled serbo-croatian(as one) language in settings try to disabled it. Works for me

Bravo , work perfect when disabled serbo-croatian tnx again
(2017-02-14, 18:21)Sass Wrote: For me, podnapisi are working just fine on 16.1 jarvis. If you have enabled serbo-croatian(as one) language in settings try to disabled it. Works for me

thanks dude, that works with 17.4 perfectly. never would have thought of that!
works fine on 17.4
Where in settings, can anyone give a path?
What happened to podnapsi.net? Domain looks for sale now.
(2018-05-25, 23:43)nims Wrote: What happened to podnapsi.net? Domain looks for sale now.

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