Release Mediastream Redux 3.0.0
Does anyone work on making Medistream Redux compatible to Kodi 16.1?
This would be awesome - I refuse using Kodi without Medistream Redux Smile
Same here lol Smile
I'd love to see this ported to Jarvis - was my favourite skin on XBMC (wish I knew how to make/code/compile skins!)
(2016-04-30, 08:15)shoEdee Wrote: Does anyone work on making Medistream Redux compatible to Kodi 16.1?
This would be awesome - I refuse using Kodi without Medistream Redux Smile

I would like to know that as well.

Is there any news on when the MediaStream Redux skin will be available on Kodi 16.1 ?
Hello, I've updated the mediastream theme to work on Jarvis. It's more of a hack than a proper update, so you have to unpack the zip and copy the content to:

Linux: ~/.kodi/addons/
OS X: /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/addons/
Windows: Start - type %APPDATA%\kodi\addons - press Enter

I have only tested it on OS X and my usage scenario is very simple, I’m playing music and videos from the local storage, if you encounter any show stopping bugs, let me know.

Mediastream Redux 3.0.2
Any chance for a further Update of the Mediastream Redux Skin onto Kodi v17.6 "Krypton"?

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Mediastream Redux 3.0.01
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