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XBMC Adult 18+ Add-on Repository
Can anyone help?
click on "raw view" in this link....https://github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult/blob/ghmaster/plugin.video.videodevil/plugin.video.videodevil-1.7.82.zip then d-load zip file and install to somewhere on your pc, then install zip from pc through xbmc. that's it....
(2014-04-07, 21:05)hindibuff Wrote:
(2014-04-05, 05:54)dquaid Wrote:
(2014-04-04, 18:38)hindibuff Wrote: The repo is borked. If someone can look into it, would be great help.

The repo is fine, this is a bug in xbmc triggered by github as explained in http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1667269 you need to get an updated version of xbmc that has the fix for the bug

I tried on android using the april 04 nightly gotham build, fresh install and everything worked fine: I was able to install the repo and download the videodevil addon and play videos

Thanks. I was using beta 3, Will give the latest nightly a try.Keep up the good work.

Just to confirm, tried 4/05 nightly and it worked perfectly. Updated repo and all the addons. Thanks
Hi strike0408, iv clicked on the link, downloaded the raw zip. Then i used cyberduck to transfer it to my atv2. i view the file from the home folder, through install from zip, but their is only one folder named resources, nothing in there to install any add ons. What am i doing wrong? Do you use use cyberduck to transfer from your mac/pc to ATV 2? If not could you please tell the the best programme?

Thanks for your time and patience mate!
nothing is working windows7 frodo especially superrepo any 8deas
(2014-04-10, 15:18)Jonny2500 Wrote: Hi strike0408, iv clicked on the link, downloaded the raw zip. Then i used cyberduck to transfer it to my atv2. i view the file from the home folder, through install from zip, but their is only one folder named resources, nothing in there to install any add ons. What am i doing wrong? Do you use use cyberduck to transfer from your mac/pc to ATV 2? If not could you please tell the the best programme?

Thanks for your time and patience mate!
sorry I don't have a Apple tv, try google for install instructions... might find it there,
(2014-04-10, 17:34)saimon Wrote: nothing is working windows7 frodo especially superrepo any 8deas
superrepo is a banned subject here I think.
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I was having the same issue, but found a download link for the whole repository https://codeload.github.com/xbmc-adult/x...p/ghmaster

if you unzip the file and copy all the metadata or plugin folders as they are to your C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons folder you should now see them in xbmc

or within each metadata and plugin folder there is the zip file you can install manually though the xbmc interface
Thanks dquaid and strike0408! The alternative method of dlíng just the zips works well in Frodo.
fantaastic is not working it is installed but no link is working any idea ?
(2014-04-17, 05:25)Japgeisha Wrote: fantaastic is not working it is installed but no link is working any idea ?

No problem here, you should send a log file.
Perhaps you have other problems.
For people (like me) not able to parse the xbmc.adult repo.
I think i have found the problem.
1) open addon.xml in "repository.xbmcadult"
2) change http://github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult/...addons.xml with http://raw.github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-ad...addons.xml
3) do the same for other links to github.
4) Repo is ok !

"raw" is misplaced, need to be before .github

Check and report if this work for you.
(2014-04-18, 01:12)henrava Wrote: For people (like me) not able to parse the xbmc.adult repo.
I think i have found the problem.
1) open addon.xml in "repository.xbmcadult"
2) change http://github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult/...addons.xml with http://raw.github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-ad...addons.xml
3) do the same for other links to github.
4) Repo is ok !

"raw" is misplaced, need to be before .github

Check and report if this work for you.

I did try your approach, but it didn't work for me, perhaps I am doing something wrong.
Can provide an usable zip file, where the changes where all ready made by yourself?

If I look in the adult github folder, there seam to be multiple adult repos within repos.
1.Repository.xbmc-adult contains a 1.0.1 zip file.
2.Repository.xbmcadult contains a 1.0.5 zip file.

You refer to ad. 2
This thread post 1 refers to ad. 1

I am not surprised the adult repo doesn't work for me.
I have changed addon.xml from 1.0.5 zip file.
This is my modified addon.xml: (just replace the content of addon.xml with this)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="repository.xbmcadult" name="XBMC-Adult repository" version="1.0.5" provider-name="xbmc-adult">
<extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="XBMC Adult repository">
<info compressed="false">http://raw.github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult/ghmaster/addons.xml</info>
<datadir zip="true">http://raw.github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult/raw/ghmaster</datadir>
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary>XBMC Addons for Adults Only</summary>
<description>This repository contains addons that are for adults only.</description>
(2014-04-18, 01:12)henrava Wrote: For people (like me) not able to parse the xbmc.adult repo.
I think i have found the problem.
1) open addon.xml in "repository.xbmcadult"
2) change http://github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult/...addons.xml with http://raw.github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-ad...addons.xml
3) do the same for other links to github.
4) Repo is ok !

"raw" is misplaced, need to be before .github

Check and report if this work for you.
works good... thanks for the info. repo works good now.
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