[WIP] PyTunes (fork of HTPC-Manager)
Couldn't resist bragging. This is the artist page I added to MY media server manager:


Have lots more to do, but at least I finally got it roughed in.

Looks good!
The errors regarding disk size only shows on osx if your adding a "pool" of smb shares on UNRAID. It might happen on other nas but i don't have access to any other nas. However its still possible to mount all the single disks in addition to the shares and use the ignore mountpoint field to filter them out. This is a osx/python bug, and it is as good as it gets. The only other option is to use pipe it from terminal, which i think is a worse alternative.
Why is this thread polluted with screenshots of this fork of htpc-manager?
Instead of posting screenshots of this fork, why not do some pull requests instead and help out, there is obviously some useful features in it.
The design changes though, meh, not the best looking thing, quite horrendous to be honest Wink
You have to ask the user about that. However I do thinks cool to see a other way to do it. The user clearly notes that's a fork. I think the design coding wise is cool, the colors not so much. Reminds me of the green Nokia n8, which was shit
LOL, gotta love it. Pollution? Eyes wide shut.

Frankly, everyone I asked thought the original sucked.


Long live goth.

(2014-03-04, 03:52)fldc Wrote: Why is this thread polluted with screenshots of this fork of htpc-manager?
Instead of posting screenshots of this fork, why not do some pull requests instead and help out, there is obviously some useful features in it.
The design changes though, meh, not the best looking thing, quite horrendous to be honest Wink

I totally agree with you. I have mentioned this earlier. Maybe a new topic would be a good idea. No success so far.

HTPC Manager combines all your favorite htpc software into one slick interface!

A own forum might be a good idea. The thread is starting to get big.
(2014-03-04, 03:52)fldc Wrote: Why is this thread polluted with screenshots of this fork of htpc-manager?
Instead of posting screenshots of this fork, why not do some pull requests instead and help out, there is obviously some useful features in it.
The design changes though, meh, not the best looking thing, quite horrendous to be honest Wink

You'll really be pissed at the next sceenshot I'm gonna post.

It's all about making this pig a real manager.

As promised, here's my start on a real media manager:


Just the movies, but you get the direction.

Data is taken directly from xbmc database.

Bring it on...
plus the ability to add directly to the database for those hard to scrape items..
I just spent all day pissing around trying to add movies in and them not showing up.
Especially when you have the artwork and NFO files done.
Looking forward to see the released version...
(2014-03-08, 15:56)dgcruzing Wrote: Bring it on...
plus the ability to add directly to the database for those hard to scrape items..
I just spent all day pissing around trying to add movies in and them not showing up.
Especially when you have the artwork and NFO files done.
Looking forward to see the released version...

Adding media directly to the db is extremely complicated....so many tables are affected.

However, I'm working on a movie post-processor. When I get it right it will make just about all movies scapable by xbmc.

I have 900 movies without directories that I can practice on. Should get it right by then.

MadClicker, feel free to change the title of the thread by modifying the first post to whatever you like.
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