still tryiung to get a handle on this but is the formatting setup needed that way by xbmc or by xlink.

i ask because i am manually adding my own titles and looking at it its difficult to determine if and what is already there.

so if the answer to the initial inquiry is xlink i'll just have to lump it out but if its application set (xbmc) wouldnt it be faster on the scan to group them?

<type>first person shooter</type>
<title id>23434</title id>
<vector>game title</vector>
<title> etc.

because the way it looks at the momment it will scan the whole of the list each time to run a compare to determine if the game is there or not.... or am i out of my gourd again.
i feel like removing that vectors file from cvs, why ? it's apparantly not needed. but i cant get any kai user to tell me this with 100% certainty

concept: apparantly xbmc fetches this info online via xlink's site.

and since you must be "online" to use it, why bother with file.
granted xlink isnt on the net, instead it goes via pc/or router.

ideas, suggestions ?
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@pike, i posted in the other thread here what i tried and deleting the file did not update certain games.

the problem may be on my end or with kai. i don't know. but for now i need the file.
For python coding questions first see http://mirrors.xbmc.org/docs/python-docs/
everything i see on xlinks forums pertaining to including new game compatibility they are saying to add it tot the vectors file so the thing has to be doing something.
please give me the xbe id's that you need to enter manually in vector file
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