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Yeah but xbmc takes donations. I just figure since I'm benafitting from your hard work I wouldn't mind giving you a little something to keep you in pizza and beer while you work.
(2014-06-12, 22:06)Lionverse Wrote: Yeah but xbmc takes donations. I just figure since I'm benafitting from your hard work I wouldn't mind giving you a little something to keep you in pizza and beer while you work.

pizza and beer would definetly be good while watching the world cup, I mean working on the skin
Hi Community,

new update available, see first post for download link

- Main Global Search Addon window has been coded with BOX look
- Custom Home Tile can now be added, the available custom tiles are a video addon, a music addon, a programm addon, an image addon, a video playlist , a music playlist.

When creating custom tiles you are able to choose the text and icon that will appear on the tile. For the images I have included an Icon folder called HomeTileIcons, this folder is under skin.BOX13 /media. The folder contains more than 1000 icons courtesy of Icons8.com. If you wish to be able to use your own icons you simply need to add them in that folder

Is it possible to remove the music section on the home menu?

Also i think it would look better if the update library progress bar would be in a popup window or similar... Right now it is blocking some items.

(2014-06-14, 12:50)lowfi Wrote: Is it possible to remove the music section on the home menu?

Also i think it would look better if the update library progress bar would be in a popup window or similar... Right now it is blocking some items.


As I mentioned before there is no such thing as a music, tv, movie, live tv etc... Section, the user can freely choose if he wants 1,2,3,4 or 5 sections. He can choose which content he wants in each section.

If you wish a section to disappeaer from the home menu. You must remove the rectangular tile of that section.
I will make elemnts slide down if the progress bar shows up
(2014-06-14, 15:08)DjCisco Wrote:
(2014-06-14, 12:50)lowfi Wrote: Is it possible to remove the music section on the home menu?

Also i think it would look better if the update library progress bar would be in a popup window or similar... Right now it is blocking some items.


As I mentioned before there is no such thing as a music, tv, movie, live tv etc... Section, the user can freely choose if he wants 1,2,3,4 or 5 sections. He can choose which content he wants in each section.

If you wish a section to disappeaer from the home menu. You must remove the rectangular tile of that section.

Hi i understand now. But removing the text isnt the most obvious...

Thanks for changing the progress bar Smile
Great improvements all round, but one stupid question. "When creating custom tiles you are able to choose the text and icon that will appear on the tile". How? I get the text and icon from the installed app. Where do I change this?
Once you have selected an addon, you can navigate to the image and/or text and click on it.
Hi Cisco!
Will be there any chance to change font and size?

Great job though!

Best skin out there...

Best regards!
Holy shit, dude - you have put in a ton of work since I saw this skin last. Awesome work. Would it be possible to allow us to add individual items from favourites as custom tiles? eg. i have a couple of 24/7 tv show streams I'd like to add to my third tab.
A vertical list in the home menu would be cool. Is it hard to add?
(2014-06-20, 09:38)palunko Wrote: Hi Cisco!
Will be there any chance to change font and size?

Great job though!

Best skin out there.

Best regards!

Nope this is just to much work. Other font means having to reposition evey single label in the skin.

(2014-06-20, 15:58)postdeath Wrote: Holy shit, dude - you have put in a ton of work since I saw this skin last. Awesome work. Would it be possible to allow us to add individual items from favourites as custom tiles? eg. i have a couple of 24/7 tv show streams I'd like to add to my third tab.

I wanted to have this in my last update, but I am having problems running the favourites.script which is how every skin sets favourites as custom home items. I still cant get the script to work properly. As soon ot os working the function will be available
(2014-06-22, 19:11)Jmeurl Wrote: A vertical list in the home menu would be cool. Is it hard to add?

Nope sorry, a vertical or horizontal list, just doesnt fit with the layout
Hi DjDisco I was using this skin for some time, I like it a lot. I am running XBMC on Openelec in a R-pi. It was fast and smooth.

I downloaded the new version and everything got messy, in few words everything is condensed in the top left corner. I downloaded and tried bothr versions you have in the link in the first post and with both happens the same. I had to comback to the nbox mod that fortunatley i had it still installed.
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