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I think yoy are confusing the nbox skin from the official repo with this skin BOX from the Development repo.

First of all you need to download and install the development repo, there is a link to it on the first post. There you will get a zip file, which you sho uld install via the "install from zip file" option.

After doing so the skin development repo will appear as new source for downloading addons, from there you will be able to install the skin.
I'm not confused at all. I don't even know what nbox is.

I am in the skin development repo from the first post, downloaded the zip and installed it. The repo shows me 4 wip skins (conq, xeeboo, box, and metroid) which non of them I am able to download. the new skin I tried has it marked as incompatible. the old skin I was using had the tags I mentioned in the other post of dependices not met.

I am pretty sure I'm running 13.1 Gotham <- this is compatible right?

Is the a github or zip of the skin so I can install this manually?
Please update your github project also. I like the manual install.
(2014-08-07, 16:45)deafmouse Wrote: I'm not confused at all. I don't even know what nbox is.

I am in the skin development repo from the first post, downloaded the zip and installed it. The repo shows me 4 wip skins (conq, xeeboo, box, and metroid) which non of them I am able to download. the new skin I tried has it marked as incompatible. the old skin I was using had the tags I mentioned in the other post of dependices not met.

I am pretty sure I'm running 13.1 Gotham <- this is compatible right?

Is the a github or zip of the skin so I can install this manually?

clearly something is wrong at your end.
try: Add-on_manager#Force_refresh (wiki)
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(2014-08-07, 19:00)Martijn Wrote:
(2014-08-07, 16:45)deafmouse Wrote: I'm not confused at all. I don't even know what nbox is.

I am in the skin development repo from the first post, downloaded the zip and installed it. The repo shows me 4 wip skins (conq, xeeboo, box, and metroid) which non of them I am able to download. the new skin I tried has it marked as incompatible. the old skin I was using had the tags I mentioned in the other post of dependices not met.

I am pretty sure I'm running 13.1 Gotham <- this is compatible right?

Is the a github or zip of the skin so I can install this manually?

clearly something is wrong at your end.
try: Add-on_manager#Force_refresh (wiki)

that worked. thanks.
Hi DjCisco,

Glad to see the skin has made it to the repo... and with so much more customization, too :-)

I have run into a glitch though. Having switched to the newest version I've found a couple of things that don't work.

In the images you'll see (hopefully) how I have set up my homescreen to look in Skin Settings. When I go back out of settings to the homescreen there are two icons at the top left. All is going well apart from for some reason no thumbs show in the Recent Music Videos widget (although they do if I select Random Music Videos widget).

Because the widget showed no thumbs, I clicked down into the All Recent sub-menu to find them all listed, so pressed the 'backspace' button on my keyboard to return to the homescreen only to find FOUR icons in the top left!

Confused, I went back into skin settings to find they had reactivated themselves and the Music one had completely reset, changing the options.

Any ideas?

watch gallery
Ok so appearantly the skin reseted itself when you went back to the home screen. I had noticed some issues regarding initialization of the home screen. So I alreadt made some modifications that corrected the issues known to me. So probably the behaviour that you saw was already corrected through the changes I made.

I will test it before releasing the next update
Cool :-)

I gave up trying to get the Widget to work and wiped / re-added everything to the library instead and now the widget works. The skin still resets though, but only the initial 3 columns (Movies, TV Shows and Music), the custom 4th column (Music Videos) does not reset.
Yes, I already checked it and fixed it. A request for a skin update has already been made to the team XBMC so you will get the update in the next days
Again, thank you so much. Amazing skin AND amazing support!
Im running the version from the wip skin repo.Are the library statistics included now? Looking at the screenshots in the first post they are there i cannot find the option however?
Scrernshots are old. No library stats yet
(2014-08-09, 17:20)TeuchterLoon Wrote: Cool :-)

I gave up trying to get the Widget to work and wiped / re-added everything to the library instead and now the widget works. The skin still resets though, but only the initial 3 columns (Movies, TV Shows and Music), the custom 4th column (Music Videos) does not reset.

Can You confirm if the update fixed your issue
That fixed it :-D Thanks
What happened to the Recommended TV show widget? It's gone since I upgraded to the development repo version of Box.
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