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Hi I noticed a small bug. For tv I'm using the recommended widget but it is labeled random and under music I use the random widget and is labeled recommended. The movie widget is labeled correctly.

Also have you thought about adding the time to the music fullscreen mode?

Yup, this has been corrected. It will be available on the next update. Regarding time display for music, it will show together with the Music OSD.
DjCisco, would it also be possible to add a "TV Shows In Progress" view for the TV home widget?
I can access it through the video's menu as well, but having it as default on the home screen would be easier Smile

Thanks, and once again: great work on the skin.
(2014-05-19, 08:22)Trickass Wrote: DjCisco, would it also be possible to add a "TV Shows In Progress" view for the TV home widget?
I can access it through the video's menu as well, but having it as default on the home screen would be easier Smile

Thanks, and once again: great work on the skin.

Recommended is the same as in progress, I'm currently using it. But as I mentioned above it may be mislabeled right now which he said will be corrected in the next update.
Hi, this some screen of my work:

watch gallery

I adapted the anim home poster from the nbox skin (still need to do Music but work well in Movies and TvShows with poster and thumb view), add a manage button in video info screen and modify the overlay to show or not with theme color corresponding.

My current edit list:
[c] correction
[a] addition
[p] personal mod aspect

[a]720p/Custom_Edit.xml =>
Make a menu for manage in DialogVideoInfo.xml with inside libraryeditor, artwork.downloader and tvtunes addon

720p/DialogButtonMenu.xml =>
[c] remove grouplist id="3110" for keep id="1"
[p] change exit button position

720p/DialogFullScreenInfo.xml =>
[c] change label to localize (season, episode and director)
[c] add progressbar for filesvideo
[a] display chapter count and name if present instead star rating
[c] change time animation fade to slide

720p/DialogSeekBar.xml =>
[p] change text opacity, and add SeekBarState2 for caching

720p/DialogSelect.xml =>
[c] change fadelabel to label and add list "6" for artwork.downloader work

720p/DialogVideoInfo.xml =>
[a] add manage button and reorder buttons
[p] change border poster
[c] add possibility to nav in cast list

720p/home.xml =>
[p] change icon to text home menu
[p] add poster and thumb overlay anim from nbox skin (movies and TVShows)

720p/Includes.xml =>
[p] change date and day order for French user
[c] add "$" on <onclick> for movie random and recommended
[p] change global fanart overlay with toggle option
[a] add clearlogo to background with toggle option

720p/Font.xml =>
[p] Remove all "uppercase" display
[p] add SeekBarState2 for caching

720p/MyVideoNav.xml =>
[a] add radiobutton to enable clearlogo
[a] add radiobutton to enable global overlay
[c] increase height of "grouplist" id="9000"

720p/SkinSettings.xml =>
[c] add radiobutton Toggle Exit Button
[a] add radiobutton to enable clearlogo in background
[a] add radiobutton to enable global overlay

720p/Variables.xml =>
[c] invert $LOCALIZE[31739] and $LOCALIZE[31738] on tvshows

720p/VideoOSD.xml =>
[c] add progressbar for filesvideo
[a] display chapter count and name if present instead star rating
[c] change time animation fade to slide

720p/Viewtype_Episodes_List.xml =>
[p] change poster to thumb and display logo definition instead mpaa
[p] change border thumb color

720p/Viewtype_Panel_Tall_List.xml =>
[p] display logo definition instead mpaa
[p] change border poster color

720p/Viewtype_Posters.xml =>
[c] change label to localize (season, episode and unwatched)
[c] adjust posy of watched.png
[c] add watching.png
[c] show watched.png for movies
[p] Remove all "uppercase" display
[p] adjust poster opacity
[a] add down to show art with animation

720p/Viewtype_Season_Tall.xml =>
[p] adjust poster opacity
[c] left to last

colors/ =>
[a] add a Light_Grey and Dark_Grey color

media/ =>
[a] add a Light_Grey.xbt and Dark_Grey.xbt

language/English/strings.po =>
add    msgctxt "#31522" for script.libraryeditor addon
add    msgctxt "#31742" for clearlogo
add    msgctxt "#31743" for overlay

language/French/strings.po =>
change [msgid "All Films"] to ["msgid "All Movies"]
add     msgctxt "#31522" for script.libraryeditor addon
add    msgctxt "#31738","#31739", "#31740", "#31741", "#31742", "#31743"

and sorry for my english Confused
Love this skin, but...
Would a small/slim font version be available and possibly a new colour similar to Arctic or Alaska (white with some red smears)

It's very nice, but with the big font and no white, it unfortunately no go with the home colours scheme Sad

Great work and look forward to more updates to this lovely skin.

Thanks kindly
Hi Community,

finally a new Update is available, The migration to gotham positioning systems created a lot of problems, But finally im done with that.

I have added some new functions and have made some tweaks to the look, I will update the screenshots tomorrow,

Check first post for details and download link.

(2014-05-19, 16:35)Lionverse Wrote:
(2014-05-19, 08:22)Trickass Wrote: DjCisco, would it also be possible to add a "TV Shows In Progress" view for the TV home widget?
I can access it through the video's menu as well, but having it as default on the home screen would be easier Smile

Thanks, and once again: great work on the skin.

Recommended is the same as in progress, I'm currently using it. But as I mentioned above it may be mislabeled right now which he said will be corrected in the next update.

I don't think it's the same ... Recommended shows for example 3 different episodes of a same show, and some other shows which are in progress are not shown at all there.
I am using the skin.widgers script for the home widgets and if I am not mistaken , recommended tv shows should display the first unwatched episode of a tv show in progress.
(2014-05-22, 08:25)Trickass Wrote:
(2014-05-19, 16:35)Lionverse Wrote:
(2014-05-19, 08:22)Trickass Wrote: DjCisco, would it also be possible to add a "TV Shows In Progress" view for the TV home widget?
I can access it through the video's menu as well, but having it as default on the home screen would be easier Smile

Thanks, and once again: great work on the skin.

Recommended is the same as in progress, I'm currently using it. But as I mentioned above it may be mislabeled right now which he said will be corrected in the next update.

I don't think it's the same ... Recommended shows for example 3 different episodes of a same show, and some other shows which are in progress are not shown at all there.

If you change the widget from thumbnail to poster view it will not show multiple episodes just the poster for each each show you're watching and selecting that will play the next unwatched episode. That through me off at first too but it is now working for me just like the in-progress I was using in Ace
Hi maybe I stupid or something but I'm not getting any update .

I tried reinstalling from the git but I still see no change to the skin .

Anyone else got it working ?
In the home screen, check the arrow that points to the hiddden menu,

If you see a White arrow on a black semi transparent background you have the updated skin.

If you see the arrow in a color background matching the selected theme you have an old version
Looks like I'm still on the old skin . I'm not sure why its not updating .
Did you install skin.BOX or skin.BOX13? It should be 13
Yeah box13 . I installed it fine on a ouya no probs . but no matter what I try on my main windows setup it does not update .

I'm going to upgrade to 13.1 beta 2 from rc2 and try again .

Nope that never worked !!
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