2014-03-27, 17:02
Hi. I always used only smart playlists to split my library in categories (in my case anime, cartoons, movies) and it was working well but it only had a list of movies and no tags, actors, genres etc etc. So i start to dig in the wiki to see if there was something to have a full library splitted without using multiple profiles.
In the wiki i discovered that the video library isn't hardcoded but is based on video nodes that allows us to manually customize everything and even add a filter to the categories.
So i actually managed to split the movies in all the categories i want and also leave a 4th with all the movies together.
Here's my library before:
And here's the result:
Every category works well and it is filtered.
Here's how you can do it:
1) You need a smart playlist to filter your movies and split them. here's some info about the smart playlists:
You can split the movies using various methods (tags, path, genre). In my case all the anime are in one folder, cartoons in a different one and movies in a different one so i created a playlist based on path. Here's my anime playlist:
Remember to set a name to the playlist and remember it. You'll need it to filter the library!
2) Save the playlist in the playlist video folder:
3) go to this path:
select the video folder in it and copy the folder in this path:
4) Download this file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xr1hte.../anime.zip
and extract the anime folder in the video folder you copied in the profile directory. Rename the anime folder as you like (xbmc will ignore the name and will use the name we're going to set in pass 5).
5) Open the index.xml in the anime folder, replace "Anime" with the name you like for the library part, replace the 1 in
with the position you'd like to put the new category (and of course save the file).
6) Open all the other xml files (actors.xml, country.xml, directors.xml, genres.xml, sets.xml, studios.xml, tags.xml, titles.xml and years.xml) and replace in each file "Anime" with the name of the playlist you created (and of course save them).
7) Open xbmc and go to video. Now with movies tvshows and musicvideos you should have a new category.. Anime (or the name you chose for it).
You want to add other categories? Repeat steps 1,2,4,5,6 every time you want.
You don't want the old entire library movie? Delete the movies folder. You want to change the label of the old entire library? enter in the movies folder and replace "342" in index.xml with the name you want..
TV show splitting: With a similar trick it is possible to split also the tv show library (and i guess the music video library too)
Music library splitting: I can reproduce with this trick only the 70% of the music library in the video library but even this doesn't work well because all the skins doesn't load the icons of the music in the video section. So right now it is impossible to do it with the music for what i'm aware of..
Every suggestion to improve the method, to improve the guide or my english is welcome.
In the wiki i discovered that the video library isn't hardcoded but is based on video nodes that allows us to manually customize everything and even add a filter to the categories.
So i actually managed to split the movies in all the categories i want and also leave a 4th with all the movies together.
Here's my library before:

And here's the result:

Every category works well and it is filtered.
Here's how you can do it:
1) You need a smart playlist to filter your movies and split them. here's some info about the smart playlists:
You can split the movies using various methods (tags, path, genre). In my case all the anime are in one folder, cartoons in a different one and movies in a different one so i created a playlist based on path. Here's my anime playlist:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
<rule field="path" operator="startswith">
<rule field="path" operator="startswith">
2) Save the playlist in the playlist video folder:
iOS /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata/playlists/video/
Linux ~/.xbmc/userdata/playlists/video/
Mac OS X /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/playlists/video/
OpenELEC /storage/.xbmc/userdata/playlists/video/
Windows XP, 7, 8 %appdata%\XBMC\userdata\playlists\video\
(or in case you have more than one profile and the desired profile is not the master instead of userdata/library/ go to userdata/profiles/#profilename#/playlists/video/)
3) go to this path:
iOS - Varied: /Applications/XBMC.frappliance/XBMCData/XBMCHome/system/library/
Linux /usr/share/xbmc/system/library/
Mac OS X: /Applications/XBMC.app/Contents/Resources/XBMC/system/library/
Windows (32bit): C:\Program Files\XBMC\system\library\
Windows (64bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\system\library\
select the video folder in it and copy the folder in this path:
iOS /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata/library/
Linux ~/.xbmc/userdata/library/
Mac OS X /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/XBMC/userdata/library/
OpenELEC /storage/.xbmc/userdata/library/
Windows XP, 7, 8 %appdata%\XBMC\userdata\library\
(or in case you have more than one profile and the desired profile is not the master instead of userdata/library/ go to userdata/profiles/#profilename#/library/)
4) Download this file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xr1hte.../anime.zip
and extract the anime folder in the video folder you copied in the profile directory. Rename the anime folder as you like (xbmc will ignore the name and will use the name we're going to set in pass 5).
5) Open the index.xml in the anime folder, replace "Anime" with the name you like for the library part, replace the 1 in
<node order="1"
6) Open all the other xml files (actors.xml, country.xml, directors.xml, genres.xml, sets.xml, studios.xml, tags.xml, titles.xml and years.xml) and replace in each file "Anime" with the name of the playlist you created (and of course save them).
7) Open xbmc and go to video. Now with movies tvshows and musicvideos you should have a new category.. Anime (or the name you chose for it).
You want to add other categories? Repeat steps 1,2,4,5,6 every time you want.
You don't want the old entire library movie? Delete the movies folder. You want to change the label of the old entire library? enter in the movies folder and replace "342" in index.xml with the name you want..
TV show splitting: With a similar trick it is possible to split also the tv show library (and i guess the music video library too)
Music library splitting: I can reproduce with this trick only the 70% of the music library in the video library but even this doesn't work well because all the skins doesn't load the icons of the music in the video section. So right now it is impossible to do it with the music for what i'm aware of..
Every suggestion to improve the method, to improve the guide or my english is welcome.