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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi Part 3 (Kodi 14.0)
every time I restart openelec or turn on/off my tv. i have to turn on/off my sondbar before I get sound. this is the only device i have to do this with
i have tried changing keep audio advice alive settings doesnt seem to make a difference.
my raspberry pi is connected with hdmi, and my soundbar is conected with optical/toslink to tv.

anyway for me to fix this with something like force_hdmi to fix this?
I have updated to the #0616 and in omxplayer it seems to be worse. I will do more testing in few days by reinstalling the prior version for a better comparison in both players. I have compared a sport tv recording broadcast on SBS HD with a resolution 1080i x 1440.

Unfortunately the other sd channels are still poor.

I am glad that at least it is being worked on for 1080i channels hopefully the channels with lower resolution can be looked at as well.

Noticed that the pi feels a bit snappier as well with these recent builds.
(2014-06-18, 07:26)denz Wrote: I have updated to the #0616 and in omxplayer it seems to be worse. I will do more testing in few days by reinstalling the prior version for a better comparison in both players. I have compared a sport tv recording broadcast on SBS HD with a resolution 1080i x 1440.

Will need a sample file where you think it is worse (ideally with screenshots showing before and after).
(2014-06-16, 23:48)MilhouseVH Wrote: [*]Added power management support for the Raspberry Pi. Since it doesn't support true standby, we fake it by turning video on or off, and ignoring remote inputs during the standby phase.

This is almost certainly a stupid question, but if your only input method to the Pi is an IR receiver, and in standby mode the Pi ignores remote inputs, how do you wake it from it's virtual slumber? Smile
(2014-06-18, 22:47)fluffylob Wrote:
(2014-06-16, 23:48)MilhouseVH Wrote: [*]Added power management support for the Raspberry Pi. Since it doesn't support true standby, we fake it by turning video on or off, and ignoring remote inputs during the standby phase.

This is almost certainly a stupid question, but if your only input method to the Pi is an IR receiver, and in standby mode the Pi ignores remote inputs, how do you wake it from it's virtual slumber? Smile

I think that comment was from one of the git commits.
A later commit does: "[power] hack - don't kill lirc or cec"

So I think you can still wake up TV with IR remote, CEC remote or keyboard.
Yes, you can definitely wake the Pi with a USB IR.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
@MillhouseVH and @popcornmix

My apologies saying that 1080i in omxplayer is worse I was incorrect what I have found out is that it wasn't saving my settings. Also discovered for some reason my advancesettings.xml is corrupted when I type ls it shows advancedsettings.xml but next to it it has input output error or something similar along those lines.

The 1080i I am actually very happy with I went through all the channels that are HD and they look very good so I am happy with that but the sd looks horrible. I went through the channels and noticed that this one channel is particular poor with deinterlacing on WMC it shows up near perfect.

This time it is a very small sample.


If this looks great on your pi than that is it for me I am giving up. I will just stick with pc running wmc.
(2014-06-19, 00:11)MilhouseVH Wrote: Yes, you can definitely wake the Pi with a USB IR.
Thanks MillhouseVH and popcornmix. I'll give it another go, my lack of waking from USB IR must be something specific to my setup.
Hi I'm running the PI with gpu_mem=256

(2014-06-17, 12:13)popcornmix Wrote: dvdplayer uses more gpu memory than omxplayer. HD streams will likely need an increased gpu_mem setting.
Try with gpu_mem=256 (assuming you have a 512M Pi).

So with OMXPlayer everything is working like charm.

Here is a log when trying to watch HD channels with DVDPlayer.


I tried 2 channels 3sat HD (which was working) and Das Erste HD (which wasn't working)
Maybe this log helps ... I going to record some chunks of different channels and will upload them.
Running 610, i had a lockup while playing an mp4 movie. I decided to leave it on overnight to see if it started up again.

When I checked it in the moring it hadn't so I power cycled the Pi. It wouldn't start up.

Turns out the linux partition (/storage?) had been corrupted. The auto fsck did not work and I had to run it manually before it would load the linux partition.

So I don't think the auto fsck process is working
Did the auto fsck attempt to fix problems (and then fail), or not detect any problems at all?
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2014-06-19, 04:24)denz Wrote: If this looks great on your pi than that is it for me I am giving up. I will just stick with pc running wmc.

No need to give up just yet, I can see that file looks bad. Looks like the odd/even fields may be swapped. I'll see what I can do.
Build 616:

When turning off my TV, XBMC stops as expected.
But there is currently no way for me to turn it back on without pulling the plug.

Turning on my TV does not start XBMC again.

Any ideas?

I'm using a Samsung F6470 TV
(2014-06-19, 18:08)mikeb93 Wrote: Build 616:

When turning off my TV, XBMC stops as expected.
But there is currently no way for me to turn it back on without pulling the plug.

Turning on my TV does not start XBMC again.

Any ideas?

I'm using a Samsung F6470 TV

In settings/system/input/peripherals/CEC what do you have "When TV is switched off" set to? By default it should be "Ignore".
It was set to "shut off".
When I set it to "Ignore" nothing happens and the Video continues playing
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