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Release Conq - Gotham
Now this is a magnificent skin ! I think I'll stick to your repo for your skins are always my favourites !

Amazing work so far, though ! Thanks for your creations.
This skin keeps getting better and better.

One request though, the home screen pictures for most recent tv shows/movies could be bigger. I know there is a desire to keep the "white space" in place but still the pictures are tiny when viewed on a normal size tv. I would love to see at least the option for larger pictures.

Also, the pictures for favourites are much smaller than the ones used for tv/movies. I would love to have all of the pictures the same size!!!!

I hope this makes it into the next update.
@Hitcher, still loving this skin! One question, I must be missing something as I am not getting the horizontal icons out from the left hand side like in post 212.
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Not finished with it yet before I push the next release.
Ahh thats why! Cheers.
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I can't for the life of me figure out what I did wrong, but suddenly my recent TV/movies was gone. When accessing options, it's gone as well there. I can chose to show recent albums but no dice on tv/movies. Tried both 13.0 and 13.1 RC.
Reset the skin settings.
Hitcher can you add full Actors Metadata support?
I have the problem, that the covers aren't shown in their full width and height.
They are cut off at every side.
Is there a customizing point in the settings?

(2014-05-31, 14:54)luogo Wrote: I have the problem, that the covers aren't shown in their full width and height.
They are cut off at every side.
I saw the same behaviour when testing the skin at a 3:2 screen. Works fine at my 16:9 TV, so i guess its some problem with the aspect ratio.
Looking forward to the custom Arctic theme arriving, how long before we see an update Big Grin
excellent skin, very simple and easy for the eyes, i'used xperience1080 for a while but it's less relevent now ( i got a new bigger tv and i find it too tiring for my eyes) so I test conq and it's brilliant! thanks a lot for the adaptation!
just one question, is the "black splash screen" for "now loading" definitive? because it seems a lot less polish than the rest of the skin.... and kinda weird that it is not covering completly the screen below ( I'm in 1080p and it seem like it is in 720p)...my point is that its size is not really relevant compare to the rest of the skin...IMO and its animation is a bit confusing too ( maybe too fast, I'm not really sure in fact, just find it ...weird) Just a "fade in" "fade out" type of animation with the color of the screen matching the color we choose for the skin would be much smoother (like the rest of the skin)...again IMO
Well apart this, everything looks really fine!
Theses are just observations of course, you take it or not, it's totally on you Smile
+1 for a more consistent 'busy" screen. The small dialogue box used for everything else is all that is needed.

where can i disable the zoom amount popup?

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