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Release service.subtitles.unacs
Addons can be installed from repo

All addons are dependent on beautifulsoup4, which is automaticaly resoved on kodi.

plugin.video.bscfusion was removed from repo, you can use plugin.program.bscfusion with iptv simple client
Playlist and xmltv files are located in service.bscfusion addon_data directory.
It also support copy files to custom location, bultin and script execution when files are updated.
If you already use iptv simple client, you can use pvr tolls to merge playlist and xmltv files.

BSC password should be max 16 symbols, otherwise Fusion TV addon doesn't work !
If you already have plugin.video.bscfusion or service.bscfusion, you need to remove it.
Unacs add-on installes flawlessly and matches the movie correctly. However it fails to download the subtitles when requested on any kind movie.
should I provide some more info let me know and I'd be happy to help.

Can you please upload Log file.
Hello, I have the same problem with the Unacs add-on. With version 0.0.7 and 0.0.8 I find the subs but when I try to download them it's written "Cleanup error" and I can't download the subs. Could you tell me what to do to make it work? I never make log file but I try and don't know if it is ok, please tell me if I must do something else.
Greetings and have a good day.

There is a fix for it but probably something went wrong.
Can you please uninstall and remove a plugin, and try latest version for my repo.

Personally I also use kodi on android 4.4.4, and can't see such issue.
Debugging problem on android is a pain.
So can you check is it reproducible on linux/windows ?

Thanks for feedback.
Now I try it on my laptop (windows 8.1) and it's working fine, no problem for download. On the android device version 0.0.5 was working ok (no problem with download) but finds less subs than 0.0.8. I try maybe all possible ways for install it before I write here, but the result is the same.
(2015-03-13, 16:49)victoria1982 Wrote: Now I try it on my laptop (windows 8.1) and it's working fine, no problem for download. On the android device version 0.0.5 was working ok (no problem with download) but finds less subs than 0.0.8. I try maybe all possible ways for install it before I write here, but the result is the same.

I double check on my side on my android device, and it seems to be working fine. Right now I don't have another android device to check on it.
Also probably you can try SPMC on appstore, before I used 'rock chip' device and it's worked very well with it.
From log I understand that you device is based on same chip.
(2015-03-13, 16:28)topki_111 Wrote: There is a fix for it but probably something went wrong.
Can you please uninstall and remove a plugin, and try latest version for my repo.

Personally I also use kodi on android 4.4.4, and can't see such issue.
Debugging problem on android is a pain.
So can you check is it reproducible on linux/windows ?

Thanks for feedback.
Hi, i have a problem on android 4.4.4 kodi 14.1 with "Bulsatcom Fusion TV" plugin - message is "Data Fetch Fail" , tested also on windows 8.1 kodi 14.2 works well. Any solution?
Without debug log, I can't do much. There is a newer version of KODI or you can try SPMC.

Right now you need to force update plugin and enable debug from it's settings, if you want to upload debug log.
1. uninstall plugin
2. remove zip package of add on the path should be something like "/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/packages"
3. install it again.
4. Enable debug and submit debug log.
Thanks for shearing time.
I did a debug lod
09:04:02 T:1965332608   ERROR: /mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.requests/lib/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:79: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning.
09:04:02 T:1925538296 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
09:04:03 T:1965332608 WARNING: Previous line repeats 9 times.
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.bscfusion-release/default.py", line 92, in indexch
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     for i, c in b.data_fetch():
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.bscfusion-release/resources/lib/bsc.py", line 136, in data_fetch
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     self.__goforit()
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.bscfusion-release/resources/lib/bsc.py", line 76, in __goforit
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     headers=self.__UA)
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.requests/lib/requests/sessions.py", line 507, in post
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     return self.request('POST', url, data=data, json=json, **kwargs)
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.requests/lib/requests/sessions.py", line 464, in request
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.requests/lib/requests/sessions.py", line 576, in send
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:   File "/mnt/internal_sd/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.module.requests/lib/requests/adapters.py", line 431, in send
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR:     raise SSLError(e, request=request)
09:04:03 T:1965332608   ERROR: SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:480: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
09:04:03 T:1965332608 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle 9
09:04:03 T:1925538296 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
09:04:03 T:1948427840  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
09:04:03 T:1925538296 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
09:04:05 T:1785368160 WARNING: Previous line repeats 20 times.
09:04:05 T:1785368160  NOTICE: Twitter URL = http://www.twitter.com/search?q=from:%40TVADDONS%20lang%3Aen&f=realtime   Number of tweets to skip = 0
09:04:05 T:1925538296 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
09:04:07 T:1785368160 WARNING: Previous line repeats 7 times.
09:04:07 T:1785368160  NOTICE: Twitter URL = http://www.twitter.com/search?q=from:%40TVADDONS%20lang%3Aen&f=realtime   Number of tweets to skip = 0
09:04:07 T:1925538296 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
09:04:09 T:1925615968 WARNING: Previous line repeats 3 times.
09:04:09 T:1925615968  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
If you need i will send you link to it.
It seem that, in certain situations on android devices, you should login in Google account, to be able to use bsc addon.
Thanks to moskivb.
Hi, after new upgrade for subtitles.unacs done Apr.16/2015 they are out of order for Android devices. Server is OK, but they wont work at all. Before last upgrade the were OK.
If somebody really need a subtitles can use opensubtitles (original builded in kodi subtitles) they had a Bulgarian language too.
Unfortunately I can't catch the issue without logs.
But it seems that many users use subs/unacs to download subs for other video addons, in that case some of them doesn't set filename, episode and series correct.
At first worked well but after a while started to shows errors
"Error Cleanup"
"Failed to download ..."

Android 4.4.2
Kodi 14
Using the latest release from the Bulgarian repo
(2015-04-26, 08:41)publicimage Wrote: At first worked well but after a while started to shows errors
"Error Cleanup"
"Failed to download ..."

Android 4.4.2
Kodi 14
Using the latest release from the Bulgarian repo

That issue was fixed in previous version.
Can you please, double check add-on version?
Latest version is 0.0.10, also you can try to manually force update it - just use "service.subtitles.unacs" insteadof "plugin.video.bscfusion".

Anyway it seems that script can't cleanup it working folder.
Issue was caused when in folder, there are file names with 'cp-1251' characters.

You can try to remove that folder manually:
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