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Zotac CI320-520-540 Fanless
(2014-08-23, 08:25)FernetMenta Wrote: Yes, you can load custom EDID

Note that AMD vdpau has no temporal/spatial, only temporal deinterlacing (if I am not mistaken). I have not tested CA320 so not sure how this box performs.

Be careful, that edid overwriting currently has a bug - you loose audio completely, we filed that some weeks ago: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82349 (AMD had the same bug, but fixed it in 3.17-rc1)

Yes, you are correct with AMD - but zgreg invests some of his holiday time to improve that.

Other limitations:
AMD: max video decoding resolution: 2048 x 1152
Nvidia/ Intel: 4K since (IVB or respectively GT610)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2014-08-22, 17:30)FernetMenta Wrote: My CI520 plus arrived today. I can not confirm and issues with temperature. I installed Ubuntu trusty minimal and compiled entire XBMC + PVR on this box. CPU temperature was approximately 64°C after compilation finished.
Temperature during playback (1080i@50 + yadif deinterlacing) does not rise over 65°C.

The CI520 performs excellent running Linux. 1080i@50 with yadif deinterlacing puts ~50% load on the CPU. With MADI MCDI it is ~15% (vaapi driver still has issues)

Really nice box.

What about the Suspend Modes? S3 and S5 working with remote wakeup? If deinterlacing or 4k/3D is not needed the ci320 with 2GB RAM would be a good choice?
ASRock Beebox J3160 4GB RAM 120GB SATA SSD - Harmony Elite BT
Intel NUC Kit DN2820FYKH 4GB RAM 120GB SATA SSD - Harmony Smart Control BT
all @ Libreelec Testbuild
HP N54L @ Ubuntu 14.04.4 Minimal Server / MySQL DB
HP N40L @ Ubuntu 14.04.4 Minimal Server
(2014-08-22, 17:30)FernetMenta Wrote: My CI520 plus arrived today. I can not confirm and issues with temperature. I installed Ubuntu trusty minimal and compiled entire XBMC + PVR on this box. CPU temperature was approximately 64°C after compilation finished.
Temperature during playback (1080i@50 + yadif deinterlacing) does not rise over 65°C.

The CI520 performs excellent running Linux. 1080i@50 with yadif deinterlacing puts ~50% load on the CPU. With MADI MCDI it is ~15% (vaapi driver still has issues)

Really nice box.

Thanks indeed for this. While I'm not planning on running Linux on it, this does give me some more hope that the unit is better than initially feared. With the Broadwell NUC now delayed to 2015, I've just decided to pull the trigger on the CI520 Plus. $375 shipped to Australia (added on to a current order) I simply couldn't pass on. But no more now, I will not purchase any more units before HDMI 2.0!! Laugh
(2014-08-23, 22:54)john.cord Wrote: What about the Suspend Modes? S3 and S5 working with remote wakeup? If deinterlacing or 4k/3D is not needed the ci320 with 2GB RAM would be a good choice?

The old Zotac remote control with the Philips Spinel receiver (plugged into USB) can wake the box from S5. So either the box is placed somewhere where it is hard to push the power button by hand or it is easy accessible. For the latter you can use the internal CIR and not a big deal to press the power button, right? If i.e. VESA mounted you can't make use of the CIR anyway.

I don't have a CI320 and can't give any info or recommendation on this one.
I was thinking, which one should I get Zbox CI520 or Intel Nuc i3 Haswell (2.5 hdd).

What do you recommend guys ?.
(2014-08-24, 13:40)EvilKind Wrote: I was thinking, which one should I get Zbox CI520 or Intel Nuc i3 Haswell (2.5 hdd).

What do you recommend guys ?.

intel nuc that can hold 2nd hard drive..

It depends if you prefer noiseless. If so, decision is easy Smile
Hello guys, i'm nood in this forum; I want to know one thing concerning this post at page 4:

(2014-07-02, 18:13)sraue Wrote: Hi all,

Zotac is aware of a faulty production batch. Users with heating problems which have systems with the follow serialnumbers should return the systems to Zotac and ask for a replacenment/ warranty repair.

G142400002648; G142400002663; G142500001680; G142500001678; Q142221300014; G142400002649; G142400002662; G142400002667; G142500001676; G142400002651; G142400002666; G142400002668; G142400002659; Q142221300007; Q142221300018; G142400002951; G142400002650; G142300005590; G142400002954; G142400002952; Q142221300006; Q142221300017; Q142221300015; Q142221300016; Q142221300011; G142400002955; G142400002664; Q142221300008; G142400002652; G142500001677; G142400002661; G142400002670; G142400002665; Q142221300009; G142500001679; Q142221300012; Q142221300010; G142400002660; G142400002658; Q142221300013; G142400002669; G142200000425; G142200000444; G142200000479; G142200000450; G142200000467; G142200000457; G142200000489; G142200000493; G142200000462; G142200000463; G142200000464; G142200000452; G142200000447; G142200000451; G142200000460; G142200000466; G142200000409; G142200000407; G142200000484; G142200000495; G142500001964; G142200000456; G142500001961; G142200000424; G142200000413; G142500001962; G142200000446; G142200000426; G142200000485; G142200000483; G142200000422; G142200000492; G142200000405; G142200000465; G142200000402; G142200000414; G142200000410; G142200000416; G142200000459; G142200000458; G142200000491; G142200000430; G142200000455; G142200000415; G142200000418; G142200000411; G142200000461; G142200000442; G142200000419; G142200000445; G142200000454; G142200000470; G142200000412; G142200000448; G142200000443; G142200000453; G142200000408; G142200000406; G142200000441; G142200000488; G142500001965; G142200000494; G142200000417; G142200000427; G142200000487; G142200000478; G142200000420; G142200000486; G142200000423; G142200000468; G142200000480; G142400003512; G142200000428; G142200000477; G142200000449; G142500001963; G142200000429; G142200000401; G142200000476; G142200000404; G142200000490; G142200000403; G142200000481; G142200000421; G142200000482; G142200000469

If your unit does not fall into this list, you don't need to worry.

Where can I find the official source of this news?
On offical site of Zotac there is nothing?
Thank you!
The source of this is an email we got from Zotac. Due to the concerns stated in this thread we requested some samples for testing and got this info.
Ok thanks for the reply.
I have a CI520 with serial included in the "black list".
I will contact immediately Zotac to activate replacement procedures.
could any of the owners tell me if the AC adaptor is universal? ie 100-240v 50-60 Hz? I might buy this while overseas...

thanks in advance!
I don't remember having seen any adapter which is not. Mine came with EU + UK plugs.
I confirm, mine has the same specifications, and with EU + UK plugs.
I also got my sample today. I am really excited for now.

I use the internal CIR receiver and yeah - you can power on that thingy with an "original zotac" remote (I had one spare from a ID42 and AD10). Then I programmed my Logitech Remote 300 to have a Zotac Remote on the DVD Button and yeah power on also works.

What is not working (before someone asks): 4K HEVC 24fps I get arround 14 fps - but this is not my primary usecase at all.

Perhaps to add:
It does MCDI and MADI just fine, same for the CPU deinterlacer.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Something else here. If you run a very new kernel (3.14, 3.15, 3.16, ...) the default cpu scaling driver will be intel_pstate. By default that is combined with the performance governor. Intel Pstate only has "performance" and "powersave" - but "powersave" is _not_ that damn slow thing you know from acpi-cpufreq. In short if you want frequency scaling and use intel_pstate make sure to set your governor to powersave.

More literature: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?...5#p1294415
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
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