OSD update?
Are there any plans to update the OSD? Clear art would be an obvious improvement but even without that I find the OSD a little basic and not in tune with the rest of the skin. I hope that improvements to the OSD are on the way.

The OSD is perfect in my opinion. It looks as if minimalism is the key to the skin and by adding feature after feature it quickly becomes bloated.
The OSD is exactly in line with the rest of skin? Dunno what about the rest of the skin would point toward anything other than a super clean and simple OSD.

There's a million skins with every kind of art as an option to switch on and this does not need to be one of them. I think it's fantastic as is.
I agree, its clean and fast and should stay that way. Couple improved views like a larger wall view would be good though, huge libraries would benefit.
I agree that options like clear art should not be added as they would slow things down and are not in line with the rest of the skin.

However, I would appreciate an update of the OSD to make it look a bit nicer. The rest of the skin is very nice and clean. OSD should be clean and simple as well, but could win from some nicer (still simple and clean) design.
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the current volume pop up und volume change, the notification pop up and the mute indicator could need a redesign.

i mean a big black block with some text is not really fitting the simple but elegant design with gradiants this skin has.
(2014-08-24, 15:32)a_user Wrote: the current volume pop up und volume change, the notification pop up and the mute indicator could need a redesign.

i mean a big black block with some text is not really fitting the simple but elegant design with gradiants this skin has.

That's what I am trying to say. Not adding anything fancy like clear art, but some improvements to match the simple but elegant design.
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