Win Clean video library stopped working

The function clean video library stopped working. I have a MySQL setup and use Windows. I start the cleaning and the progress bar stops at 95%. I wait about 3 hours but no progress. I killed the process and opened the log. I found nothing.

Updating the video library with new movies and episodes are working fine. So i guess nothing is wrong with my database.

I tried Gotham 13.1 RC1 and went back to Gotham stable 13.0 but the same.
All my network shares are available. XBMC is able to access the shares. No password or network issue.

Any hints?

22:03:58 T:3352  NOTICE: CVideoDatabase::CleanDatabase: Starting videodatabase cleanup ..
22:05:29 T:3352 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(bluray) in bluray://smb%3a%2f%2fAURORA%2fbriso2%2fZombie%20Dawn%20(2012)%2fifpd-zombiedawn.bluray_BRISO%2f/BDMV/PLAYLIST/00004.mpls
22:05:29 T:3352 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(bluray) in bluray://smb%3a%2f%2fAURORA%2fbriso2%2fZombie%20Dawn%20(2012)%2fifpd-zombiedawn.bluray_BRISO%2f/BDMV/PLAYLIST/tvp-theblacklist-s01e16-1080p.mkv
22:05:30 T:3352 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(bluray) in bluray://udf%3a%2f%2fsmb%253a%252f%252fAURORA%252f3d_BRISO_1%252fTRON%2520Legacy%2520(2010)%25203D%252fTronLegacy3D.3D.3dbd._BRISO.iso%2f/BDMV/PLAYLIST/00070.mpls
22:05:33 T:3352 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://
22:05:33 T:3352 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://
22:05:33 T:3352 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(plugin) in plugin://
22:13:15 T:1552  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
Exact same behavior observer with the 14.1, as well as 14.2 beta dated Feb 16th, and posted for testing here:

I have the same setup, and am observing the same behavior.

Some observations:
1) The log is refreshing/building, so Kodi is not 'hung/frozen'
2) I see the Unsupported protocol(plugin) for youtube in the log
3) I see a lot of:

21:24:53 T:8176   ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: Timeout was reached(28) for|User-Agent=AppleCoreMedia%2f1.0.0.8F455%20(AppleTV%3b%20U%3b%20CPU%20OS%204_3%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X%3b%20de_de)
21:24:59 T:8176   ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) for


21:26:47 T:8176   ERROR: CCurlFile::Exists - Failed: Couldn't resolve host name(6) for http://iPhone.local:62441/1/1350b585-d015-5f0d-8b7a-6eefa87d7f0b.MOV|User-Agent=AppleCoreMedia%2f1.0.0.8F455%20(AppleTV%3b%20U%3b%20CPU%20OS%204_3%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X%3b%20de_de)

It seems like it's trying to poll for items which timeout (e.g. the iphone), and so it takes ages to clean the database...

In the end it does finish though... After a LOOONG time.

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