[Android] open browser with parms - please help
as I can in android - www.google.de - directly in the browser open
I tested already many combinations, nothing worked but in the description of xbmc it is working
i test all python-codes -> browser.open ... www.google.de
i test all xbmc-codes -> xbmc.executebuiltin('StartAndroidActivity(com.android.chrome / browser ... www.google.de

browser open it, with parameter does not work Confused
please give me an example

I slowly go insane, please help
Thanks Gerhard

sorry for bad english, i translate something with google

my Repo with Webradio and Livestreams (german)
hard to believe,
There are no Android programmers here that can solve this problem.
Someone must still have XBMC implemented on Android
then it's not supported. That's not very hard to believe.
OK, sorry for write in red - but for me very hard
now I know - yesterday, I learned it in the German Python Forum - Python for Android supported not webbrowser.open
then it can not work in XBMC also

is there any other way
Hi, I am also looking for, I think, a similar solution. I want to open a browser at a particular URL from a menu or submenu item. I can open a browser (or any other android app installed) using StartAndroidActivity(package) but I cannot specify a particular URL (unless I set the URL as a homepage in the browser which I can only do once)

I am sure this is able to be done using StartAndroidActivity(package,[intent,dataType,dataURI]) but I do not know the correct parameter formats for [intent,dataType,dataURI].

I have searched but cannot find examples I need in the single line format given above. Can anybody suggest a solution?

(I'm a noob so please forgive if I'm overlooking a simple solution).

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[Android] open browser with parms - please help0
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