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Release Popcornflix Video Addon
UPDATE: Please load version 1.0.4 from the xbmc.org repo which should fix International sites.

I couldn't find an addon for Popcornflix in the xbmc.org repo and the one that I did have from elsewhere doesn't work any longer, so I decided to write an updated version.

The Popcornflix addon is available in the xbmc.org repo at:

There are a number of Family/Kids shows as well as a fairly large cartoon selection. Nat Geo programs are also available, as well as Mystery Science Theater 3000, etc.
The movies are mostly public domain or lesser known titles.

Before anyone asks, as far as I know the content on this site is legitimate. Please see http://www.popcornflix.com/about.html for details.

Known issues:
Some of the links load very slowly - be patient. I had to adjust the curl timeout in my advancedsettings.xml to reduce some of the play failures I was getting.
Loading of directories sometimes timeout as well. If it occurs, just retry again.
I suspect that there is geo-blocking on some of the links.
Getting script error on Windows 7/Gotham 13.1 when opening addon.

12:53:44 T:2960  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
12:53:46 T:2960   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>
                                            Error Contents: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 15: ordinal not in range(128)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "L:\Users\Uta\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.popcornflix-master\default.py", line 149, in <module>
                                                if mode==  None:  getSources(p('fanart'))
                                              File "L:\Users\Uta\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\plugin.video.popcornflix-master\default.py", line 68, in getSources
                                                addDir(name.encode(UTF8), url, 'GC', icon, addonfanart, name.encode(UTF8), '', '')
                                            UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 15: ordinal not in range(128)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
12:53:46 T:760   ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.video.popcornflix/
12:53:46 T:760   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.video.popcornflix/) failed
I will look into this later today - I don't get that error. The quick fix is to search for addDir calls in default.py and remove .encode(UTF8) from any variables being passed. Just do addDir - there are two, one at line 68 and line 83.

So line 68 should read:
addDir(name, url, 'GC', icon, addonfanart, name, '', '')

and line 83 should read:
addDir(sname, sid, 'GC', simg, addonfanart, sdesc, sgenre, '')

The bigger problem is why you have different text from when I run the addon -there may be a geo-block on this site for folks outside the US.

Let me know if this change works for you.
That did the trick, but videos won`t play.

16:55:27 T:5900  NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
16:55:28 T:5900 WARNING: Attempt to use invalid handle 13
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: http://movies.device.screenmedia.net/?s=/stitched/mp4/76719dee-f2f6-49aa-9b7d-56c9b32f4b92/a6fbf9b8-b350-4b2a-b10e-d6088c323e9f/8c913e59-c00a-4d37-925b-27b6ed698fcc/77b3171f-48ae-4357-a2d7-9850d6a1c26f/content.mp4
16:55:29 T:4800 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
16:55:29 T:4832  NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
16:55:29 T:4832  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
16:55:29 T:4832  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
16:55:29 T:5792  NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
16:55:29 T:4832   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error probing input format, http://movies.device.screenmedia.net/?s=/stitched/mp4/76719dee-f2f6-49aa-9b7d-56c9b32f4b92/a6fbf9b8-b350-4b2a-b10e-d6088c323e9f/8c913e59-c00a-4d37-925b-27b6ed698fcc/77b3171f-48ae-4357-a2d7-9850d6a1c26f/content.mp4
16:55:29 T:4832   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
16:55:29 T:4832  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
16:55:29 T:4832  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
16:55:29 T:4800   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.popcornflix/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmovies.device.screenmedia.net%2F%3Fs%3D%2Fstitched%2Fmp4%2F76719dee-f2f6-49aa-9b7d-56c9b32f4b92%2Fa6fbf9b8-b350-4b2a-b10e-d6088c323e9f%2F8c913e59-c00a-4d37-925b-27b6ed698fcc%2F77b3171f-48ae-4357-a2d7-9850d6a1c26f%2Fcontent.mp4&mode=SR]
16:55:29 T:1816  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
16:55:29 T:4800  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
16:56:04 T:4420  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true

(2014-06-30, 13:37)learningit Wrote: The bigger problem is why you have different text from when I run the addon -there may be a geo-block on this site for folks outside the US.

I'm pretty sure I'm being redirected to Popcornflix Germany with slightly different menue genres.

By the way, there already is a working Popcornflix Add-on in Blazetamer's Repository and with auto update enabled your add-on is getting updated to version 2.1.0.
Yeah, when I saw the failure you were having loading the menus, I figured that you were being redirected and menu items weren't in English. There's no mention of international sites on the US website, though there are recent press releases for new websites in Germany and France. I can't play the URL you have above from the US either.

I took a shortcut for generating the playable .mp4 URL using static values for the US site which probably won't work on the non-US sites.

I wasn't aware of a working version anywhere else. I had an older addon that I think I loaded from a forum entry pointing to a github which no longer works for me and hasn't been updated.
UPDATE: Please load version 1.0.4 from my git. This should fix the International sites (I was using a silly shortcut for the US site which I thought would speed up loading).
Thanks, it's working fine now.
Nope notworking on Gotham 13.1 it want to update and after the update 2.1.0 and after that script failed and before the update no options visible in the settings field of the addon
Loooks like ther is something wrong with my python or what ?
(2014-07-01, 11:51)grote345 Wrote: Nope notworking on Gotham 13.1 it want to update and after the update 2.1.0 and after that script failed and before the update no options visible in the settings field of the addon
Loooks like ther is something wrong with my python or what ?

The correct version is 1.0.4 and is available from the xbmc.org repo now.
Eye in the sky above reports that there is another addon with the same name in an external repo which I have not seen before. I think that you have that repo enabled and it is updating the one in xbmc.org. You could try disabling the other repo to avoid overwriting the xbmc.org one. If i recall correctly, there are no settings available for the addon.
well call me stupid but I have the xbmc org repo for 13.1 and I don't see the popcornflix addon insite Smile
(2014-07-01, 13:30)grote345 Wrote: well call me stupid but I have the xbmc org repo for 13.1 and I don't see the popcornflix addon insite Smile

Try doing a Force Refresh on the repo. The addon has been recently added to the repo.
Force refresh gives me the old rplugin again 1.0.2 what is going wrong here with version of the xbmc org repo do you have ?

Found it !! its not in the gotham org repo but in the Frod repo !!
(2014-07-01, 14:06)grote345 Wrote: Force refresh gives me the old rplugin again 1.0.2 what is going wrong here with version of the xbmc org repo do you have ?

The script to refresh the xbmc.org repo hasn't been run yet, it will probably be run later today, be patient there were a lot of updates to the xbmc.org repo recently. You can get the .zip from the frodo repo at http://mirrors.xbmc.org/addons/frodo/plu...-1.0.4.zip or my repo https://github.com/learningit/plugin.video.popcornflix in the meantime.
Yeha found it but is it working on gotham ?
(2014-07-01, 14:17)grote345 Wrote: Yeha found it but is it working on gotham ?

Absolutely it is.
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