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Release TheMovieDB - TV Show scraper (XML)
(2017-02-05, 15:18)s9209122222 Wrote: There is no place to change the language to my ideal language, if I set it to "zh", it downloads the Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) metadata, but I need the Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) metadata, the TMDB does have the zh-TW metadata, but I just can't download them.
 Agree, please add "zh-TW" to the addon

Edit: Sorry, just figure out this is already implemented in TMDB 5.0.2 what I need is same implementation on TMDB tvshows 1.4.1
(2017-12-04, 08:20)samsonluk Wrote:
(2017-02-05, 15:18)s9209122222 Wrote: There is no place to change the language to my ideal language, if I set it to "zh", it downloads the Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) metadata, but I need the Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) metadata, the TMDB does have the zh-TW metadata, but I just can't download them.
 Agree, please add "zh-TW" to the addon

Edit: Sorry, just figure out this is already implemented in TMDB 5.0.2 what I need is same implementation on TMDB tvshows 1.4.1 
I presume you wanted to say "what you would like to ask for" instead of  "what I need", right? Much more respectful articulation of a request. Anyway it's done in v2.0.0 (for Krypton and above) and v1.3.8 (<Krypton versions).
(2017-12-04, 13:54)olympia Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 08:20)samsonluk Wrote:
(2017-02-05, 15:18)s9209122222 Wrote: There is no place to change the language to my ideal language, if I set it to "zh", it downloads the Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) metadata, but I need the Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) metadata, the TMDB does have the zh-TW metadata, but I just can't download them.
 Agree, please add "zh-TW" to the addon

Edit: Sorry, just figure out this is already implemented in TMDB 5.0.2 what I need is same implementation on TMDB tvshows 1.4.1   
I presume you wanted to say "what you would like to ask for" instead of  "what I need", right? Much more respectful articulation of a request. Anyway it's done in v2.0.0 (for Krypton and above) and v1.3.8 (<Krypton versions).  

Please accept my apology for being rude, English is not my mother language.

I am in Kodi 17.6 but I found the latest version is 1.4.1, do I need to install from zip?
(2017-12-04, 14:08)samsonluk Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 13:54)olympia Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 08:20)samsonluk Wrote:  Agree, please add "zh-TW" to the addon

Edit: Sorry, just figure out this is already implemented in TMDB 5.0.2 what I need is same implementation on TMDB tvshows 1.4.1   
I presume you wanted to say "what you would like to ask for" instead of  "what I need", right? Much more respectful articulation of a request. Anyway it's done in v2.0.0 (for Krypton and above) and v1.3.8 (<Krypton versions).   

Please accept my apology for being rude, English is not my mother language.

I am in Kodi 17.6 but I found the latest version is 1.4.1, do I need to install from zip? 
 No, it will auto-update, or you could trigger update via the side panel -> check updates within the addons browser.
(2017-12-04, 15:35)olympia Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 14:08)samsonluk Wrote:
(2017-12-04, 13:54)olympia Wrote: I presume you wanted to say "what you would like to ask for" instead of  "what I need", right? Much more respectful articulation of a request. Anyway it's done in v2.0.0 (for Krypton and above) and v1.3.8 (<Krypton versions).   

Please accept my apology for being rude, English is not my mother language.

I am in Kodi 17.6 but I found the latest version is 1.4.1, do I need to install from zip?  
 No, it will auto-update, or you could trigger update via the side panel -> check updates within the addons browser. 
Thanks, have to trigger the update manually from the side panel.

I found a bug on TV scraper getting Poster image from TMDB.  For Backdrops image I can upload and leave it as "No Language" in TMDB,  TV scraper can get the image for the show and make it available under Fanart, however, if I upload images as Poster and leave it as "No Language" in TMDB, TV scraper cannot get the image and put it under Poster.
Hi there! For the Krypton+ version, can you change the uniqueid type to 'tmdb' rather than 'themoviedb', for both the TV show and each episode? The movie scrapers have settled on 'tmdb', and having two different keys for the same service is confusing for API consumers.
(2017-12-09, 03:57)rmrector Wrote: Hi there! For the Krypton+ version, can you change the uniqueid type to 'tmdb' rather than 'themoviedb', for both the TV show and each episode? The movie scrapers have settled on 'tmdb', and having two different keys for the same service is confusing for API consumers.
 Quite valid Smile
Done in v2.0.1
Hi there, I've found The Movie Database scraper can't get a current Movie Collection name for several days, just 'name'. I'm still using v4.0.3 due to android platform version, hope you consider fixing problem on this version. Thanks ~
Hello winstar

Can't offer any assistance without a debug log (wiki)

Also are you after Movies or TV Shows. You are in the TV Shows thread.
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Hello I am a kodi user from Greece. So I try to download the episode plots in greek if possible. If the site has a plot in greek then the scraper downolads the correct plot for this episode. If there is no greek plot for that particular episode then the GetEpisodeDetails functions swaps the episode no and the season no. So instead of downloading for example the episode 6 of season 1 it downloads the episode 1 of season 6. I messed around a bit with your code and found that you must change the line 208 of your code from:
<RegExp input="$INFO[language]" output="&lt;url function=&quot;ParseFallbackTMDBPlot&quot; cache=&quot;tmdb-$$6-en-episode-s$$10e$$11.json&quot;&gt;http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/$$6/season/$$11/episode/$$10?api_key=key&amp;amp;language=en&lt;/url&gt;" dest="8">
<RegExp input="$INFO[language]" output="&lt;url function=&quot;ParseFallbackTMDBPlot&quot; cache=&quot;tmdb-$$6-en-episode-s$$10e$$11.json&quot;&gt;http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/$$6/season/$$10/episode/$$11?api_key=key;amp;language=en&lt;/url&gt;" dest="8">

I also include the log output that GetEpisodeDetails returns

scraper: GetEpisodeDetails returned
    <title>Episode 6</title>
    <uniqueid type="tmdb" default="true">64814</uniqueid>
        <rating name="tmdb" default="true">
    <url function="ParseFallbackTMDBPlot" cache="tmdb-1419-en-episode-s1e6.json">http://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/1419/season/6/episode/1?api_key=key&amp;language=en</url>
    <chain function="GetCast">1419|1|6</chain>
    <chain function="GetEpisodeArt">1419|1|6</chain>

I don't know if this works in all cases, but for now it works for me. Please try to solve the problem because in the next upgrade my shows will show garbage again.

Thank you
Well spotted, update pushed. Thanks @tdf1970
(2018-01-25, 16:37)olympia Wrote: Well spotted, update pushed. Thanks @tdf1970
You are welcome. Is there any place where I can find how the scraper works? I can't find any documentation describing how the conversation between kodi and the scraper for tv shows takes place. I would like to change something for myself if possible.
All what we have written you can find in the development/scrapers section of this forum.
(2018-01-25, 22:28)olympia Wrote: All what we have written you can find in the development/scrapers section of this forum.
Too much information to process. Reading the source codes should be easier and safer. Anyway thank you.
What I wanted to do is this. The themoviedb.org unfortunately provides a title for greek language even if there isn't one. If there isn't a greek title it returns "Episode XX" in greek language. So this prevents the fallback to the actual english title which I prefer if there is no actual greek alternative.
With the help of ScraperEdit I managed to understand a little bit more on how your scraper works. Obviously not the whole picture but enough to manage what I wanted. So I changed a little bit the GetEpisodeDetails function again to eliminate the greek "Episode XX" titles that I hate so much.
So I replaced the regular expression that exists in line 171 with two new ones. I changed this

            <RegExp input="$$1" output="\1" dest="9">
                <expression fixchars="1" clear="yes">"name":"([^\}]*?)","overview"</expression>

to this

<RegExp input="$$9" output="" dest="9">
        <RegExp input="$$1" output="\1" dest="9">
                <expression fixchars="1" clear="yes">"name":"([^\}]*?)","overview"</expression>
        <expression fixchars="1">Επεισόδιο ([0-9]+)</expression>

And that seems to do the trick.
(if you cant't see some characters in the second expression it's greek. The expression in english is "Episode ([0-9]+)" without the quotes )

I post this just in case somebody else finds this useful.
Hello I downloaded the latest update since the api key had expired. The replaced the old one and in .kodi/addons directory. But Kodi keeps using the old api key although the tmdb.xml file has the new key. I checked.
I can't understand why. Is there some cache that I must clear? Is there another directory that perhaps has an older version?
Any help is appreciated.
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