Streaming video/MP3 from FTP-server
i've searched this forum to see if someone mentioned this yet, but to my surprise, i couldn't.

i added a ftp bookmark to "my videos":

Quote: <bookmark>
<name>ftp network share</name>
<!-- you can use one of these following formats: !-->
<!-- ftp://user:password@ip/directory/ !-->
<!-- ftp://user:password@ip/ !-->
<!-- if you want to connect with anonymous then leave !-->
<!-- the user pass free: ftp://ip/ !-->

and to my surprise.. it works great to play avi's and mp3's straight from the ftp-server (i have a friend.. Cool ). i haven't seen this feature mentioned, all the fuzz has always been about smb and so on. while smb is nice and all, it's not something you would like to allow public access to, but ftp could be.
it's a great feature that has been mentioned before (i have at least).

having access to a remote (or local i suppose) server stuffed with content is great, video and music on demand - assuming both ends of the connection can handle the bandwidth.

i'm not sure if you have thought about it, or if it is useful to you, but it works the other way too. for those that have changed their hard drives for media storage, you can stream off the xbox to a client supporting ftp streaming.
I've been having a lot of trouble with this. i can set up a bookmark using the edit source menu, but when i turn the xbox off and on again, the link is gone... every time! i check sources.xml and it's still in there, but xbmc seems to ignore it. Any ideas?

Can someone explain how to use this bookmark function on the ftp site, like where to put it and what program to use? I have a website that does not have enough space on the server, so I would like to put the videos I link to on my ftp server and have the video still play. Thanks for any help!

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