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Kodi logo suggestions and ideas
We are all made of stars.

(2014-08-04, 00:44)teletran-one Wrote: My suggestions.


I really like that clean look.
logo needs to have something unique we can use as app icons, favicon etc - so some symbol along with the lettering or as part of it
(2014-08-03, 20:02)Tinwarble Wrote: Needs to be refined a little, but here's mine.


That is awesome! That has my unofficial vote Smile
(2014-08-04, 08:43)da-anda Wrote: logo needs to have something unique we can use as app icons, favicon etc - so some symbol along with the lettering or as part of it

What is then the minimum canvas size for the logo?

If someone can post the current images with the xbmc logo, that would be swell. Would give me an idea of the diversity the logo needs. As most are only working on the main splashscreen.
(2014-08-04, 09:11)aphaits Wrote: Image

Love this pure logo.

(2014-08-04, 09:17)Frozin Wrote:
(2014-08-03, 20:02)Tinwarble Wrote: Needs to be refined a little, but here's mine.


That is awesome! That has my unofficial vote Smile

Can't remember but this logo remain me something like Media Portal or KDE TV apps.
Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...
I know others will be alot better than mine but seeing as some don't like the new wording
what about these versions

Image Image Image

and yes the binary code does spell KODI
Something for the album art / poster lover






(2014-08-04, 10:04)Wurzle Wrote: I know others will be alot better than mine but seeing as some don't like the new wording
what about these versions

and yes the binary code does spell KODI

it's NOT "KODI".
It's "Kodi"
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(2014-08-04, 10:22)Martijn Wrote: it's NOT "KODI".
It's "Kodi"

I wouldn't get too hung up on that. The name can be trademarked as "Kodi" and we can still have the logo be stylized as "KODI". The logo itself is a separate mark (registered or not).
better imprint it the proper way now then later. Capitalizes it looks again like an abbreviation and you get the whole what does it mean
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Personally, I'd rather have someone ask me what it means and have it look better as "KODI".
(2014-08-04, 09:32)Verderer Wrote:
(2014-08-04, 08:43)da-anda Wrote: logo needs to have something unique we can use as app icons, favicon etc - so some symbol along with the lettering or as part of it

What is then the minimum canvas size for the logo?

If someone can post the current images with the xbmc logo, that would be swell. Would give me an idea of the diversity the logo needs. As most are only working on the main splashscreen.
well, just google for the requirements of app logos or have a look at the favicon. While retina displays might be able to display the entire logo in a readable way when used as app icon, older displays won't and you have to simplify the icon.

See here for all the different icon variations we currently have
- desktop https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/media
- Darwin (iOS, ATV, OSX) https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master...ging/media
- Android https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master...ging/media

And here is an article about some best practices in logo design (just a quick google search) http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/08/...go-design/
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