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Kodi logo suggestions and ideas
Rough concept on how music 'now playing' works

(2014-08-04, 10:55)aphaits Wrote: Rough concept on how music 'now playing' works

do you really want the interface to always show the possible logo this big, or why did you do a "now playing" screen with the logo?
Quote:do you really want the interface to always show the possible logo this big, or why did you do a "now playing" screen with the logo?

Just throwing things out there, maybe other people will get more ideas out of this, or not.
(2014-08-04, 00:44)teletran-one Wrote: My suggestions.


I also like this one, for an icon you could have a simple square all white with the K in the middle or invert is as a square black icon with a white K, it would be an icon with high visibility.

Or have the letter K made up of various media icons like video, picture and music etc, see this background on doubletwist they dont use it their app icon but I think it's a nice idea. The Boxee screensaver did something similar filled with media icons.
aphaits, your images are HUGE and are crashing my browser. Holy smokes, man.
The more I see it, the more I like KODI in all caps. It fills the space out so much better. Even in the old XBMC logo, the lower case letters are still able to fill out the space evenly. The little nub on the "b" just barely sticks out. With Kodi you can't really pull that off, so putting it in all caps just looks better visually. It looks more like a logo and not just some awkwardly formatted word.
(2014-08-04, 12:05)Ned Scott Wrote: aphaits, your images are HUGE and are crashing my browser. Holy smokes, man.

Whoops, apologies. It works fine for me on chrome.

Working from Illustrator on 300dpi might be the problem,
Clean look + iOS icon

Concept 8

iOS icon
(2014-08-04, 10:22)Martijn Wrote:
(2014-08-04, 10:04)Wurzle Wrote: I know others will be alot better than mine but seeing as some don't like the new wording
what about these versions

and yes the binary code does spell KODI

it's NOT "KODI".
It's "Kodi"

Sorry I didn't know it had to be case perfect straight away
I was only stating what the binary code said just so everybody knew
Ned only asked for suggestions to be put up
it only takes a couple of 1's & 0's moved around to be corrected
Kodi - Branded Media Center

or KBMC for short.

just kiddin.
(2014-08-03, 20:02)Tinwarble Wrote: Needs to be refined a little, but here's mine.


I really like this one.
Are they made from real girls scouts?
Hi, I like the remote button idea... I would draw it like this in a very simple way (just a quick draft):

dropbox link:


Sorry that I have no photobucket or imgur account, maybe someone else could post it somewhere so it is visible in the forum.
Really interesting stuff so far. I really think that keeping it simple is the way to go.

I would also suggest that the icon and logo not be be the same, but one needs to make sure that they are relatable to one another.
(2014-08-04, 13:24)lostwithouthope Wrote: Hi, I like the remote button idea... I would draw like this (just a quick draft):



Sorry that I have no photobucket or imgur account

Nice, I like it. Its more typography but the remote buttons can still be seen.
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