hey any one help me with a ?
hey there is there away to scrap adult movies ?? if not does any know a way to ??
thx for your time reading this
Hi Rico,

no it is not possible because we do not have any scraper for adult movies

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there are a few scrapers out that are addon for xbmc have u ever thought about adding them into the program just a idea from what i can see there loads of ppl wanting a scraper for adult content
we did some experiments with a parser for the XBMC scraper, but our tester suddently disappeared and we did not have time to develop/test it further
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hey again do u have the scrapers for tvrage because for some reason i cant seem to scrap the Jeremy kyle show with tine or xbmc i have renamed then with filebot and used the tv rage scraper but it just wont pick them up any ideas would be really helpful
TvRage not yet implemented.
Let's get 2.6 out first... and we for sure will have a look Smile
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sweet i cant wait for it i have been useing the nightly verson and the new updates so far out of this world

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