Helix bug reports
(2014-08-27, 22:42)a_user Wrote: hi again, nice update.

But is it intended that on the new version there is no thumbnail preview anymore when selecting a custom background image? Makes it a hard work selecting an image Wink
That's because I used SetFile instead of SetImage as I initially thought I couldn't point to the correct folder using SetImage - it turns out I can but this wasn't shown in the wiki.

Fixed for next release.
(2014-08-31, 09:34)gogu Wrote: the video does not select as viewed. helix and Gotham
Sub menu > Look > Icons.
Finally convinced the missus to go for a light skin on the bedroom tv, so Conq has been installed. Noticed a few small issues with PVR, though. I know it's not an area you use yourself, so I've also included the fixes I've used in case they inspire you Wink

MyPVRRecordings.xml - Wrong window title ("Radio: Guide"). I don't know about other PVR backends, but PVR.WMC returns both radio and tv recordings in the same list, so I changed both of the headings to just $LOCALIZE[19017]. (There's also a couple of duplicate headings here for various PVR entries...)

MyPVRTimes.xml -
* Program comment position hasn't been updated for changes to positioning in Helix. It's <left/> should be 920
* Start Time/Date (first column) is cut off, and no item displays a thumbnail (again, may be PVR.WMC specific), so the window doesn't look great. I took out the thumbnail and extended the width of the start time/date accordingly.

MyPVRGuide.xml -
* Channel logo's are stretched. Added <aspectratio>keep</aspectratio> to them.
* Recording/Timer image overlaps text. Rather than mess with the text - which on half hour shows is already cut off, I shrunk and moved the images to the bottom-left of the epg item. My positioning for them:

                        <!-- Recording image -->
                        <control type="image">

                        <!-- Timer image -->
                        <control type="image">
                            <visible>ListItem.HasTimer + !ListItem.IsRecording</visible>

MyPVRChannels.xml - Same aspect ratio problem and fix for channel logos.

Includes_Home_Default.xml / Includes_Home_Horizontal.xml - I was adding in a couple of new widgets, and noticed the PVR widget. Can't quite figure out what your intention was with it tbh - I'm probably mis-reading the code, but it looks like its content is the submenu...? Does a default install (I've come from another skin using skin shortcuts) have channels here, or something? Either way, no widget displaying here. (Sorry, I won't look further into that one, as I was looking in there in order to replace the widgets anyway...)

Thanks for the skin, though - we can finally watch tv in the bedroom without spending an age waiting for menus to load Smile
You you tell me what version you're using only I though I'd fixed some of those problems with the latest release?


- Added RSS feed
- Added TV Tunes support
- Added custom home backgrounds
- Added 'Cinema Experience' to video info
- Added skin widgets dependancy
- Removed library data provider dependancy
- Fixed stretched pvr images
- Fixed radio headings
- Fixed 'recommended' and 'random' home items mix-up
- Fixed keyboard edit area size
- Fixed weather visible conditions
- Re-designed keyboard layout
- Re-designed background image selection

As for the rest I'm totally blind as the PVR demo doesn't work for Helix.
Identifies as 2.2.0 in the addon.xml - however, I based the changes on the version on my development machine and, putting it mildly, addons on that system often get messed up and mucked around - it's not impossible it's got the test version from the other thread installed (though I don't recall installing it.) I apologise for any time wasting Smile
I should have bumped the version up from the test builds really. Confused
Just re-installed Conq from the repo (ensuring I also deleted the old .zip from the packages folder). The heading for the recorded page is fixed, but the other issues are all still present Confused

(To be absolutely certain, as the fix for the stretched channel logos is a nice easy one to test for (assuming your fix is the same as mine), I've also manually downloaded the skin from http://mirrors.kodi.tv/addons/helix/skin.conq/. Though I haven't installed this version, there's no <aspectratio/> fix in MyPVRGuide/MyPVRChannels.)
I could have sworn I went through them all, thanks.
Hey I use my iPad to stream music on Kodi and it would be nice if the AlbumArt could show correctly in the player. Seem to work fine in other skin so I was wondering if it's something with Conq about Airplay streaming ...


Great skin! I've been using it for a few months now, first on Gotham and now on Helix.

There's just two things that have been bugging me from the start.

When I'm in the EPG (timeline view) and I use the "back" button on my remote, I first get the options menu and have to press "back" again to actually go back to the main menu. Would it be possible to have the "up" button show the options like in the other menus and the back button just to go back immediately?

The second thing is for example in the settings menu. Normally, when I want to go to one of the bottom options, I push up from the first option and then it goes to the last option. Not in Conq though, so I have to push down a lot. This wouldn't normally be very annoying, but I'm using

So just two minor issues, which I hope can be resolved!

Thanks for the great work on this skin Smile
Hi, I really like this skin. But I noticed 2 issues, not sure if they have been reported.

- The poster.jpg is cropped not resized, leaving out part of the image.

I'm using the TMDB posters which are 1000x1500 or 2:3. I recall having seen in some of the conq config files a fixed size of 600x1000 not sure where.

- The word "Resolution" in the movie > information screen is partially cut off

Both issues are shown in the screenshot below.

I wonder if the 600x1000 fixed is a design or aesthetics decision or I can safely change it.

No idea how to fix the 2nd one though.

Using Kodi 14 RC2. OS X, latest Conq available

MyPVRChannels.xml and MyPVRGuide.xml still have the aspect ratio problem for channel logos in 2.2.1
(2014-12-14, 23:18)jkirk Wrote: MyPVRChannels.xml and MyPVRGuide.xml still have the aspect ratio problem for channel logos in 2.2.1

Updated, please try again.

(2014-12-14, 20:44)abigor Wrote: Hi, I really like this skin. But I noticed 2 issues, not sure if they have been reported.

- The poster.jpg is cropped not resized, leaving out part of the image.

I'm using the TMDB posters which are 1000x1500 or 2:3. I recall having seen in some of the conq config files a fixed size of 600x1000 not sure where.

- The word "Resolution" in the movie > information screen is partially cut off

Both issues are shown in the screenshot below.

I wonder if the 600x1000 fixed is a design or aesthetics decision or I can safely change it.

No idea how to fix the 2nd one though.

Using Kodi 14 RC2. OS X, latest Conq available


Looks to me like you're using a non 16x9 display as it works fine for me.

(2014-12-15, 00:13)Hitcher Wrote:
(2014-12-14, 23:18)jkirk Wrote: MyPVRChannels.xml and MyPVRGuide.xml still have the aspect ratio problem for channel logos in 2.2.1

Updated, please try again.

This build appears to cut them off, almost like the logo is too big for the area allotted to them, instead of squashing them like 2.2.0. I had manually added the <aspectratio>keep</aspectratio> to 2.2.0 previously, which worked. Side note, unfortunately the spacing and logo problems in this window still exist:

(2014-12-15, 00:13)Hitcher Wrote:
(2014-12-14, 20:44)abigor Wrote: Hi, I really like this skin. But I noticed 2 issues, not sure if they have been reported.

- The poster.jpg is cropped not resized, leaving out part of the image.

I'm using the TMDB posters which are 1000x1500 or 2:3. I recall having seen in some of the conq config files a fixed size of 600x1000 not sure where.

- The word "Resolution" in the movie > information screen is partially cut off

Both issues are shown in the screenshot below.

I wonder if the 600x1000 fixed is a design or aesthetics decision or I can safely change it.

No idea how to fix the 2nd one though.

Using Kodi 14 RC2. OS X, latest Conq available


Looks to me like you're using a non 16x9 display as it works fine for me.


Thanks! fixed at my computer via advancedsettings. Setting window size at 1280x720 shows the poster correctly in windowed mode.

My TV doesn't.

Kodi video settings show Windowed - 1920x1080, yet the poster is still cut off. The word "Resolution" displays fine at the TV.

Switching themes to Confluence shows the correct poster sizes in several movies.

Kodi is running off a boxee box via HDMI. The TV is a Samsung 1080p per manufacturer specs

Kodi settings are not shared between computer and TV.

I run kodi at my computer and also at a boxee box. The TV is only connected to the boxee box.

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