Wiki has no information on how to contact bug maintainer
This wiki article,, has information on how to triage bugs and how to help with triaging. I assume that this information is also intended for people who aren't part of the xbmc qa team and just help out now and then, but there doesn't seem to be sufficient information to actually do that.

From what I can tell, when the status of the bug needs to be changed (set as duplicate, closed, fixed), you should contact the maintainer of the bug to let them know so they can verify it and change it (since regular users don't have permission to change it). However, I have not found any way to contact the maintainer of the bug, not in the wiki nor from looking around myself. It's possible that I have simply overlooked this information, but it seems like this should be clearly stated in the wiki. The most logical place to ask for this would then be the forum, but I'm not sure which of the (sub-)forums would be appropriate and I don't want to create unnecessary posts. I was hoping this could be clarified in the wiki so it's easier for regular users like myself to help out with a bit of QA every now and then.
Regular users are more than welcome to help with steps 1.1 part 1 (making sure a bug identified on the forums is properly put into trac. because a lot of the bugs don't make it there) as well as commenting based on the comments in Part 4. (standard responses to incomplete bugreports specifically)
Obviously duplicates can me marked out as well by responding "This seems to be a duplicate of #12345"

Overall it is important to keep a level head and an upbeat attitude. This may seem easy, but it can get quite hard after dealing with some of the people for a longer time.

All in all your contributions will save the developers lots of time weeding through useless bugreports.

edit: for the record, I am just the server guy and not an authority on this process Smile
It's an old document from 2008. I think there was an attempt to make a formal QA team at that time, and there was even a more recent attempt at this, but it didn't quite catch on.

As Kib says, if the status of a bug has changed then users can simply report this on the Trac ticket itself.

As for the wiki page itself, it has some nice advice and can probably just be transformed into a more general, less formal, page about helping with QA testing.
That all sounds reasonable and i have been leaving comments like.that in trac but I figured it'd be easier for the bug maintainers if people could let then know that a bug can be closed or changed or something. But I can imagine that they could get spammed with requests so I understand if they prefer to look through the comments of the bugs themselves.

I also saw the notice that was added to the top of the wiki article. That really does clear things up by putting it in the proper context, so thanks for that.

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