Add subchapter in wiki page
Based on some findings (here the full story ), I would like to add a subchapter, say 3.15 in the XBMCbuntu installation wiki page
But I cannot find how to add a subchapter. Sorry I'm totally noob to wiki
Can anyone help?
Ah, that page is formatted a little strangely. Basically it's injecting parts of another page (Team XBMC PPA (wiki)) into the XBMCbuntu page. I'll try to clean it up and it should be a little clearer where to insert new info.
Oh boy, I basically started rewriting the entire thing, lol. I can see why it's confusing to know where to add new information, because it's also confusing to users about where to read information on the page as well.

Right now I'm rewriting the page so it makes sense for new users who just want to use it and install. I'll spin out a page or section for "common issues", for listing the issues along with solutions, and that will be a good place for the info you want to add. I've been putting this off, so it's a good time to do it :)

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