Win issue with themoviedb scraper

I try to add a 3 part movie to my library ( I use one folder for each movie. So in my movie directory i have a directory named
"Red Riding (2009)" with 3 files

After scanning the movie is recognized as "Rotkappchen: The Blood of Red Riding Hood".
I tried to put a movie.nfo with the url in the folder but with the same result.
I put 3 nfo files movie.cd1.nfo,movie.cd2.nfo,movie.cd3.nfo in the folder but the same. The movie is always recognized as "Rotkappchen"

My other movies are recognized fine,so i guess a naming issue.

Does anybody have a hint?
There's a program called therenamer that might help your initial renaming. I think only one NFO file is required also. I don't know much about .NFO files
I guess i found the solution. Damm me. Red Riding is not a 3 part movie. It's a 3 part tvshow. The moviedb shows the title as a tvshow.
With thetvdb i found the show.
Doh! Haha

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