Solved Renaming/Cleanup not working properly since 2.6

since the auto update of tinymediamanger to the new 2.6 version,i have an annoying problem with the renaming/cleanup-feature. It occurs if i want to rename a TV show episode with additional files (subtitles, .nfo and so on). If i click rename/cleanup the first time, only the real video file is renamed. All other files still have there original name, If i press rename/cleanup the second time, one or two additional files are renamed. The files to rename are selected randomly. I have to perform the rename/cleanup action multiple times at each single episode to get all files renamed properly. Sad

I get no error message but the log show the following warning entries for each file which wasn't renamed:

2014-09-06 22:47:39,623 WARN [tmmpool-rename-thread-1] o.t.core.tvshow.TvShowRenamer:155 - No episodes found for file 'S01E02.intention-forced.idx' - skipping
2014-09-06 22:47:39,623 WARN [tmmpool-rename-thread-1] o.t.core.tvshow.TvShowRenamer:155 - No episodes found for file 'S01E02.intention-forced.sub' - skipping
2014-09-06 22:47:39,623 WARN [tmmpool-rename-thread-1] o.t.core.tvshow.TvShowRenamer:155 - No episodes found for file 'S01E02.intention.idx' - skipping
Yes, there is a bug with our internal handling - tmm is too fast for the used database engine Tongue I've changed some steps in the renamer and it should work in 2.6.1
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Renaming/Cleanup not working properly since 2.60
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