Helix support
Thanks, love this skin ... tried your version, but live tv doesn't work. Epg/guide shows black screen, if live tv menu entry is selected, nothing happens. Hope you get it working, still one of the best skins ever !
HTPC Specs: Silverstone GD05B Case, ASUS P8H61-M LE/USB3, i5-3470S, GT1030, 8 GB RAM , 2 TB HDD, iHOS104 BluRay Drive, TT DVBS2-1600, Sony PS3 BD Remote control
PS3 BD Remote Control Daemon for Kodi/Linux
Since this is a fork of the PM3.HD skin, which is already in the official repo, I strongly doubt that this skin can get into that, but after a while I might create a pull request with all the compatibility fixes... Until then you can download the whole thing in one zip from github and install it from there: https://github.com/qqbenq/skin.pm3-hd
Maybe I will create a repository for this fork of the skin, so it will be easier to update, but you will have to wait till next year for that. Smile

Thanks for the feedback, it should be now working, the file sizes were misaligned and thus not visible on the screen.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I fixed the Set Content dialog, so now you can navigate it with the keyboard. I also fixed the stretched images in thumbnails view. Unfortunately I did not find the reason for the missing 'Add source' context menu item yet, but if I will, I'll let you know. (Until then you can enable the 'Show "Add source" buttons in file lists' setting in Settings/Appearance/File Lists.)

Unfortunately I have never used the live tv functionality of xbmc, and right now I don't have a machine where I can test how that works, so I can't promise anything, but I will look into it in the next weeks. (But since it's a public repo on github, anyone can fix it Smile)

Thanks for everyone, it's really great to see that there are other fans of this fine skin, I hope that soon we will have a fully Helix compatible version.
PM3 isn't in repo. So no issue adding it if you want to support it
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Amazing work!! thanks.

Could you add the "cover flow" view to TV Shows? if you can add an option to disable the bar under the posters that will be awesome. Thanks
Some basic PVR support is now introduced, Live TV button from Home screen now takes you to the channel list, most of the dialogs are there, but some screens are not styled yet (they are directly taken from confluence skin, later I will modify them). Thanks for JezzX for all the files I can build upon.
Disclaimer: I only tested with the PVR demo client...

The Home screen:

The Channel List:

Info while watching live tv:

As always, if you find something that doesn't work, please let me know. (I know that the styling of EPG and some additional screens need work, and right now this skin doesn't fully support subchannels, whatever they might be Smile)

I am sorry, but as I mentioned it in the original post, I really don't plan to modify the skin, only to make it Helix compatible, so feature requests are right now low priority... But if you feel that it is really important, you can create a fork of the repository and implement it there. (Actually it's not that hard, i will gladly support you if my time allows it.)

Wow, I was really under the impression that PM3.HD is part of the official addons, but I was wrong. I would be more than happy to have this skin in the official repo, and I would happily provide support, but I can't promise anything. When I have time, I can fiddle with the skin, but it might happen that I can't touch it for months. Also, right now it has quite a few compatibility problems (PVR, multiple keyboard layouts, etc.), and I am not sure whether adding it in this form is a good idea...
In the next weeks (or maybe months...) I will try to reach a point where I feel more confident about Helix compatibility, and by that time I will also tidy up my github repository, and will send an add-on submit request as written here: http://kodi.wiki/view/Submitting_Add-ons
But thanks for mentioning the possibility Smile
(2014-12-28, 16:48)qqbenq Wrote: @socomle:
Thanks for the feedback, it should be now working, the file sizes were misaligned and thus not visible on the screen.

...thanks a lot for the fix - and the next question: Big Grin
while browsing the Video directory in PM3 now shows the size of the file right side in View-Mode "View: List" - is it possible to show the filesize also in View-Mode "View: Full List"? Thats the View-Mode I miss the information of the filesize (so much)....Big Grin

btw: best wishes and best time in 2015 4u dude, and a big salut 2 everybody who made / helps xbmc/kodi to what is right now: the best and coolest media center Laugh

I have found this Webpage via google.
Tody i update my Xtreamer Ultra 2 to Kodi 14.0 (Open Elec 5.0.0)
And i miss my Favorite PM3.HD Skin.
Now i have downloadet the zip File, but i can't install it. I get an Errormessage "Addon does not have the correct stucture"
What make i wrong?!

Now, i have fond my mistake. I had install the 64bit Version. Today i install the 32bit Version and it works!
Could someone please comment on this thread where the PM3 context menu died after recent RASPBMC update?

You have an answer in that thread and you are not using this development version.
You simply have the old Gotham version (installed from the Gotham repo before the update) which is not compatible with Helix.

Edit: I am not even sure that there ever was a Gotham version, I can only see a Frodo version of this skin...
Hi qqbenq

thx for your effort even if you don't use Livetv ! Livetv now works (in real life). Only Livetv menu is missing so it's not possible to activate recordings, guide (an special guide related selections) or timer by selection.

In channel list the selected channel is not highlighted.

Btw. In former PM3.HD releases there was an option for "classic" look - not that pseudo brushed metal look .. could you add it ?


HTPC Specs: Silverstone GD05B Case, ASUS P8H61-M LE/USB3, i5-3470S, GT1030, 8 GB RAM , 2 TB HDD, iHOS104 BluRay Drive, TT DVBS2-1600, Sony PS3 BD Remote control
PS3 BD Remote Control Daemon for Kodi/Linux

Hi, yes, the Live TV part is quite different from the one in the previous version, now the differenent sections (EPG, recording, channels, ...) have their own windows (previously it was one window with different sections), and currently it's only possible to navigate there by using the keyboard shortcuts (see here for full list: http://kodi.wiki/view/Keyboard_controls), e.g.: 'B' for the recording schedule, 'E' for EPG. I am working on that, but unfortunately I don't really have the time right now, maybe on the weekend...

As for the "classic" look: Could you tell me where this option was available? I don't remember such a thing, but if it wasn't available in the last release then I probably won't add it, sorry.
(2015-01-05, 16:05)qqbenq Wrote: @LastCoder:

Hi, yes, the Live TV part is quite different from the one in the previous version, now the differenent sections (EPG, recording, channels, ...) have their own windows (previously it was one window with different sections), and currently it's only possible to navigate there by using the keyboard shortcuts (see here for full list: http://kodi.wiki/view/Keyboard_controls), e.g.: 'B' for the recording schedule, 'E' for EPG. I am working on that, but unfortunately I don't really have the time right now, maybe on the weekend...

As for the "classic" look: Could you tell me where this option was available? I don't remember such a thing, but if it wasn't available in the last release then I probably won't add it, sorry.

Thx ... I'm not familiar with skin coding, but didn't you use the confluence pvr code ? That skin supports the left side options menu to switch to guide or timer ..

I used PM3 for a long time, but switched to others and can't remember .. I guess this option could be found in the generic skin settings "skin theme" ?!? This option changed simply some graphics to "not brushed" (dunno how to explain ;-)

Btw. if you work on guide window - please change the ugly confluence colors that highlight the kind of programme to something more pm3-ish ;-)

So long

HTPC Specs: Silverstone GD05B Case, ASUS P8H61-M LE/USB3, i5-3470S, GT1030, 8 GB RAM , 2 TB HDD, iHOS104 BluRay Drive, TT DVBS2-1600, Sony PS3 BD Remote control
PS3 BD Remote Control Daemon for Kodi/Linux
Is there a ways and OK to disable the TOP/LEFT title (Ex: "XBMC Media Center" OR "Kodi.........."

How do i get this latest PM3 zip file and then how do I load it into my to my R-Pi?
wow, nothing? Hello..?

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