Multiple systems
Apologies in advance if covered, I've looked for about 20 minutes and can't find it...

How does the application handle data for two systems? I have two computers, my media/linux pc, and my sorting/cleanup computer/windows 8. Whenever data on one changes, the other doesn't reflect it unless I remove the series from the tmm application and update so it can rediscover the shows.

Each computer has individual bin/src folders for the application (mixed os). Can this tool run from the same folder (UNC) and have both instances access the DB it uses? That isn't easily done so I'm guessing no.

To sum up all of the above, what is the best way to use the application on multiple systems but reflect the same data without entering twice or constantly removing/rescanning the collection?

I am sorry, tmm isn't built for such a setup Sad

In common: Java is multi OS capable (that's why it runs on Linux and Windows); but some data structures can differ between the systems - that's why it _could_ be a problem to load the linux database (tmm.odb) in a windows installation.
The bigger problem is the setup of the file config.xml - there are the paths of your data sources stored, which will definitely not be the same between Linux and Windows! (/mnt/NAS vs. \\NAS for example)

one other problem is: we do only import the NFO when adding new items to the tmm library. We do not reread it, because there is always a problem with synchronization: if the data differs between tmm and NFO - which one to trust? Tmm is in our view the leading system for metadata as soon as the TV show/movie is imported to the system.

I could see ONE possible solution for you:

if you get new TV shows/movies
a) import them into the windows machine, do your sort/cleanup and then (when you finalized adding metadata)
b) import it into your linux machine.

(that's how I do it with my XBMC)

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