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Kodi has stopped working
Karlson2k: nice, will try this tonight when I get home from work.

Windows versions have always been rock solid for me, but ever since the helix alpha's something is a miss.
Better try this one: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/win32...est_04.exe
Preferably with .pdb: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/win32...est_04.pdb
I have been using the version from post #75 this evening and no crashes since I installed it.
So for now the problem is fixed because RC1,2,3 were crashing several times a day.

A couple of things, the only crash I've had since installing the version from post #77 happened directly after I installed it and of course I didn't have the pdb setup or debug log enabled.

I do realize I'm running on not new hardware, I'm using a quad core q6600 and an ati 5670, is it normal for when I use the pdb and enable debug logging that my cpu cores jump to +50 percent on all cores?
Just to report back, so far so good. The version in post #77 is night and day better then any of the RC's to date for me. Admittedly, I've only watched a few tv shows so far, but even that would crash the older versions.

Thanks guys!
thx for testing. if you can please do extensive testing as we need to be very sure about including it in final release.
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Tried the version from post #77.

Again a crash on stopping a tv-show. Too large for pastebin, so here the dropbox link:
Unfortunatly kodi has not produced a crash-dump.

But after installing the test-version I got an crash (but with debug off):

Ok, now I reproduced a crash with debug-log and crash-dump:


hope this helps!
(2014-12-12, 22:25)Karlson2k Wrote: Better try this one: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/win32...est_04.exe
Preferably with .pdb: http://mirrors.kodi.tv/test-builds/win32...est_04.pdb
I'm also testing this version since you release it and so far no crash (fingers crossed) or other issues (usually had at least a crash during the day) , running with full debug ON and using Kodi for LiveTv, tv shows, movies, streaming.
I will report back if any issue arise, thx for working on this bug/issue.
Hi guys, after using the test version for several days it's all good here, not even a crash. Good job!
Hi there,

Kodi still crashing with the version from post #77 running without admin-rights:

macchina, do you have crash-dump?
unfortunatly not :-(
on the last crashes the dump was 0 byte or not created.

tried also to debug kodi.exe with gflags, but could'nt reproduce a crash. if I disable gflags, the crashes occurs again.
the only 99% solution atm for me is to run kodi.exe with admin-rights.
but even then, sometimes I got a crash. but very rare.
Looking at the last crash dump it seemed to be the code trying to branch to 0, and triggered an NX fault (non-execute bit)

Looking at the two traces, the only commonality is this:
9:46:44 T:3608 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
Error Contents: access_violation
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\ernstl\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.library.data.provider\service.py", line 176, in onPlayBackStopped
File "C:\Users\ernstl\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.library.data.provider\service.py", line 116, in _update
File "C:\Users\ernstl\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\service.library.data.provider\library.py", line 240, in _fetch_recommended_episodes
json_query2 = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"tvshowid": %d, "properties": ["title", "playcount", "plot", "season", "episode", "showtitle", "file", "lastplayed", "rating", "resume", "art", "streamdetails", "firstaired", "runtime", "writer", "cast", "dateadded"], "sort": {"method": "episode"}, "filter": {"field": "playcount", "operator": "is", "value": "0"}, "limits": {"end": 1}}, "id": 1}' %item['tvshowid'])
RuntimeError: access_violation
-->End of Python script error report<--

What is particularly odd is that it looks like 2 threads are both running something that generates the same sql, in the crash dump, those two threads are both python runners.

I've no idea why running as admin would change the behaviour (unless it fixes a permissions issue, which changes timing/errors somewhere)

I take it gflags with /backwards didn't find anything either? This could be a thread/concurrency issue, and admin and gflags just change the timing Sad

In theory you should be able to use windbg (x86) to attach to kodi, and then when it crashes you can use windbg to generate a dump (as it seems dump generation is unreliable)
Sadly it seems that i spoked to soon and the test version didn't fixed the issue Sad .Kodi crashed last night when starting to play a TV show but unfortunatly i don't have the log because my son restarted
Kodi a few times.Anyway i have WinDbg installed and i will attach it to kodi.exe so maybe next time it crash i will have a useful dump (the one kodi generated for the crash is empty).

UPDATE: I have found several crash dumps in \AppData\Local\CrashDumps folder ,i don't know if it's useful but here it's the one from the latest crash --> Kodi.exe.3116.dmp - 16.1 MB
Thanks for crash dump!

To everyone who experience crashes on Win32:
Try to switch off webserver on Kodi (SYSTEM -> Settings -> Services -> Webserver -> Allow control of Kodi via HTTP). If it helps then I can fix it fast. Smile
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