Posts: 7
Joined: Oct 2015
93 database contributions are still waiting for moderation @ IMVDb for more than 2 months now and still no response.
any one?
Posts: 7
Joined: Oct 2015
thanks zag.
I don't have a twitter account or any other social network.
Already sent a request to become a contributor 2 months ago...
didn't get any response to it either...
Posts: 534
Joined: Dec 2008
I just had the two videos I submitted approved!
Posts: 3
Joined: Jan 2016
Noob question can anyone tell me how to install this on Kodibuntu? And if it's still working?
Posts: 4,061
Joined: Oct 2007
Team-Kodi Member
Posts: 4,061
Is it possible to get this on the official repo?
Posts: 60
Joined: Jan 2015
I do my own music video tags, faster and with 100% accuracy
To give a brief outline I have my video as such
Folder > 2015 - Music Artist - Song Title
====== File > 2015 - Music Artist - Song Title
I use MP3 Tag and convert file name to tag, so that it populates fields that I need.
I then use export file
%year% - %artist% - %title%.nfo
The NFO it creates
$filename(%year% - %artist% - %title%.nfo,utf-8)
It takes two seconds to do a music video and with 100% accuracy.
I can do a 100% complete guide if some one needs it but I gave up using scrapers for music videos ages ago as the results was disappointing. If say for example you have 20 music videos for Aerosmith for example, you can do the nfo files within a minute.
Posts: 4
Joined: Jan 2015
I was hopeful for this scraper, reading the thread, but unfortunately it has a habit of attributing group names and song titles completely inaccurately. For example, if it doesn't know the artist but the song name is found, it'll add the video to the library as the band that matched.
Alpine - Empire.mkv gets added as Dokken - Empire. Completely wrong, and I was seeing this over and over again. If the behaviour could be customised to avoid adding on a weak match, and only adding on a match on both ARTIST and TITLE, then I think the results might be somewhat better. Over my 1500 music videos, about 2/3 were added to the library incorrectly.
I'm trying to offer constructive criticism here, not tear down the (obviously awesome) work that's been done on this scraper so far.
Posts: 1,332
Joined: Jan 2016
Is there a music video scraper that will add the album info to that database for music videos.... My pet peeves with music videos is seeing the artist pics then ablums only in list form... I was wondering if Kodi core would support the scrapping of the ablums metadata as well to get a more complete experience when browsing music videos.
Posts: 4
Joined: Feb 2017
Is this scraper still available for Kodi v17 and updated? Thread has not been updated in almost two months.