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Win PseudoTV Live Manager for Windows
(2015-09-28, 23:09)walksonhandz Wrote: Sorry, I should have been more specific: an updated version of PseudoTVLive Manager that works with 15.1

Good luck! I'm still waiting on a version that will work on any Operating System besides Windows. Supposedly that one poster was going to take the codebase and port it but I haven't seen anything about it in months. Hopefully he's just too busy working to post updates and hasn't just forsaken us altogether.
I get an unhandled exception error every time I attempt to modify channels with the base program, but Scooter's version works perfectly fine, even with 16.

However, for some reason the "add" button is missing for channel interleaving. This was the main reason I wanted an external manager since doing it in Kodi is tedious and often doesn't save settings.
Yes unfortunately it seems that no version of this tool works

I get the crash exceptions too on both the

new PseudoTV_Manager-PseudoTV_Live.zip

and the old tool PTVLManager
It looks like the PseudoTV Live Manager repo on Lunatixz Github is gone.

After poking around a bit, I found a version that works (for me at least) on Kodi 15.2. If you download the zip (https://github.com/PseudoTV/PseudoTV_Man...master.zip) you will find in the build folder a more recent version that was updated recently. That build got me past the exception for index out of bounds.

Edit: I now get an exception when looking at any of the existing channels that I have now though, so it looks like this version isn't really working for me either...
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