Kodi logo variation and pack
white it is.


as soon as I'm done with linux I'll PM @h.udo
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where are the Linux Icons?

does it pull the ones in xbmc/media ?
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i found this in apple icon guidelines:

" When iOS displays an app icon on the Home screen of a device, it automatically applies a mask that rounds the corners. Make sure your icon has 90° corners so it looks good after the mask is applied. "

is there a need for Rounded versions?
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Yes believe me - there are multiple reasons why we need to use rounded icons atm. The way apple wants icon sets to work on the different ios versions doesn't work for us because we still are compiling with old xcode and old ios sdk. Also i tried to do a iconset like apple wants it to be with current xcode6 and ios8 - just for a try. What came out was an autorounded icon on ios8 (looks great) but square icons on ios6 and ios5. The whole thing is totally screwed. You can't control which icon is shown on which ios version. Apple decides it internally based on the 1000 icons which are available and based on the runtime and device + screen resolution. It then decides by itself on which runtime and device it will autoround or not. Sadly this whole mechanism is not working for us atm - and i was not able to solve it with newest tools either.

Long story short - atm we only use the rounded corners (resulting in slight render issues on ios8 at the corners - but thats something we have to live with for now).

Yes i am well aware of the fact that for example the official xbmc remote has working icons - i was not even able to replace them with ours for a test - it still resulted in non-rounded icons on the old ios versions ...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
no problem then!! I was just checking their website in order to do a nice job.. and found that line.. so I asked.

their guide is CRAZY. ahahah need a translator from Apple to English to understand it!!!

Thanks man.

can you give a hint on where Linux icons are to be found?
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Look at the commits log:

I haven't checked them all but it appears all image/icon locations are there.

When you're ready to commit PM me.

Thanks for your work!

BTW, I'm on GMT.
Italy here. I promise I won't make you go to bed late.

yep, the Linux seems to be the media ones.

let me do those and I'll be PMing you.
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Portugal. One of my younger brothers studied in Torino for 6 months 3 years ago. He loved it!
h.udo, you're from Portugal? When we did devcon at Lisbon this year, we went to a bar one night, and like three or four different groups recognized us. First time that's ever happened to me.
I also did a favicon.ico

but have no clue how to make it preview.. Sad

I did an animated one based on @samfisher folding X & K.

actually browsing to this shows the preview (out of context of course but you get the idea...)


edit2: that's just an idea.. it needs more work obviously.
or i can just do a still one.
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LOL, yeah XBMC/Kodi is huge here. I'm personally responsible for making all my friends/their mothers and sisters, cats, dogs and hamsters use Kodi. By now I'm sure something like ~150 RPis paid a visit to my house, got paired with an OE sdcard and returned to owner.
Now that I think about it, I must be responsible for a few divorces...

Crap!!! I don't follow Twitter or Facebook so I totally missed Lisbon was the chosen city for devcon. Craaaapppp!

I was 2 hours away from you guys during that weekend. Looking at 2014 devcon's photo I thought I recognized those stairs. How dumb am I...
@fastcolours - IIRC linux pulls from the PNGs in /media folder. But don't redo the larger ones as they are used for UPNP and there square looks nice I think - but up to you guys.
(2014-12-04, 23:52)da-anda Wrote: @fastcolours - IIRC linux pulls from the PNGs in /media folder. But don't redo the larger ones as they are used for UPNP and there square looks nice I think - but up to you guys.

I did..
let me revert the last commit for the larger one!
should I just make them square the same but white?

something like this
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(2014-12-04, 23:50)fastcolors Wrote: I also did a favicon.ico

but have no clue how to make it preview.. Sad

I did an animated one based on @samfisher folding X & K.

actually browsing to this shows the preview (out of context of course but you get the idea...)


edit2: that's just an idea.. it needs more work obviously.
or i can just do a still one.

Like the animated favicon but when the animation stops, left "arrow" of Kodi logo is almost invisible.
(2014-12-05, 00:07)h.udo Wrote:
(2014-12-04, 23:50)fastcolors Wrote: I also did a favicon.ico

but have no clue how to make it preview.. Sad

I did an animated one based on @samfisher folding X & K.

actually browsing to this shows the preview (out of context of course but you get the idea...)


edit2: that's just an idea.. it needs more work obviously.
or i can just do a still one.

Like the animated favicon but when the animation stops, left "arrow" of Kodi logo is almost invisible.

I know.. but if I move the left "arrow" more right (make it wider.. ) then I loose a piece of the K, or it gets misaligned.. give me a second Il'' show you what i mean.

edit: actually... mmmmmmmch.


and with more "meat" on the left


it changes a little the "official" k... so i don't know.
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