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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2020-02-27, 00:16)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Starting to work on the skin again.

Any issues or suggestions from anybody?

Love the skin. IDK why but it always remind me of cablevision`s ui for their app, and tv box. Not sure if it would be too much work, but a revamped, sleeker, more stylish home menu (at least for vertical mode) would be awesome. Not sure how it would look (maybe netflix like widgets with the plot description of what`s selected), but i would love if it was something new.

Also, i  love low list view with smaller menu.  I would like to see an option to make the poster on the left smaller. That way it wont block some of the fanart. I`d like to be able to change the color of the whole menu as well. Maybe a transparent black.

hi i am useing win 10 with kodi 18.5 and trying out your skin , i am trying to change the font so it will have a modern type font can anyone please explain what line to change in font xml for this purpose thanks for any advice

Drop your own font into the font folder , Its a matter of identifying the font name in "includes_home.xml, do the main menu item first , get whatever the font is named as, the open font.xml and fiond the line with that name ( you will have to see whicj fonts you have set in "interface- fonts". then the easiest way imo is for example lets say the font name is "font_mainmenu" , in font.xml , you will see which actual font is being used and named as "font_mainmenu" , then change the named font to that of yours. You may have to edit the font size until you get what you want. Then repeat with sub-menu.
(2020-03-07, 21:52)ontap Wrote: Drop your own font into the font folder , Its a matter of identifying the font name in "includes_home.xml, do the main menu item first , get whatever the font is named as, the open font.xml and fiond the line with that name ( you will have to see whicj fonts you have set in "interface- fonts". then the easiest way imo is for example lets say the font name is "font_mainmenu" , in font.xml , you will see which actual font is being used and named as "font_mainmenu" , then change the named font to that of yours. You may have to edit the font size until you get what you want. Then repeat with sub-menu.

hi many thanks for your reply i have managed to do the main menu but unable to find submenu all though done search in notepad plus
(2020-03-08, 13:45)bluebug Wrote:
(2020-03-07, 21:52)ontap Wrote: Drop your own font into the font folder , Its a matter of identifying the font name in "includes_home.xml, do the main menu item first , get whatever the font is named as, the open font.xml and fiond the line with that name ( you will have to see whicj fonts you have set in "interface- fonts". then the easiest way imo is for example lets say the font name is "font_mainmenu" , in font.xml , you will see which actual font is being used and named as "font_mainmenu" , then change the named font to that of yours. You may have to edit the font size until you get what you want. Then repeat with sub-menu.

hi many thanks for your reply i have managed to do the main menu but unable to find submenu all though done search in notepad plus

Nice font! Looks good!
horizontal submenu section is in includes_home.xml , should be easy to find.
I believe its usually the first group on  the page ?
then you will see the font code in both "item layout" and focused item layout".
hi many thanks for your help i have managed to do this what do you think   thanks
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(2020-03-08, 17:50)bluebug Wrote: hi many thanks for your help i have managed to do this what do you think   thanks
  • ImageImageImage

Not a fan of your sub menu font, doesn't seem to fit in with the other fonts, only my opinion
many thanks for your reply i have changed it to something else thanks

(2020-03-08, 19:16)bluebug Wrote: many thanks for your reply i have changed it to something else thanks


Much better, in my opinion
(2020-03-08, 19:16)bluebug Wrote: many thanks for your reply i have changed it to something else thanks


What font did you use?
I like the view in the pic on the right , is that a default view or have you modded it ?

I'd like to modify the progress bar to invert the position of the current time with the position of the timecode of the video because it's not logical for me


Do you know in what xml file I can modify this, and where ?

Thank you in advance Smile
(2020-03-08, 23:36)MickBim Wrote: Hello,

I'd like to modify the progress bar to invert the position of the current time with the position of the timecode of the video because it's not logical for me


Do you know in what xml file I can modify this, and where ?

Thank you in advance Smile
Nevermind, found it...
In DialogSeekBar.xml

Invert $VAR[OSDRightLabelVar] with $VAR[SeekLabelVar]
many thanks for your replys the fonts i used was BLADRMF_  and  modern_mainmenu ,, set to default  so you can still use the oringal fonts in the skin
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