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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
Hey Mike,
Heads up, today I saw that 10.0.03 had not auto installed. When I tried to install manually Kodi crashed, sorry I didn't get a log. I have auto-update turned on but it's failing to update. Last week I simply switched to Estuary and was able to update, did the same and it installed the update. 
Quote:Both logs show you unloading the skin to update:
(2024-06-04, 03:26)mikeSiLVO Wrote:
(2024-05-27, 18:56)thumber Wrote: Hey Guys,

Is there any chance to incorporate the source tag for movies? so that it shows DVD, BluRay, UHD BluRay etc.

I think it's already in for TV shows.

// Thumber

Not 100% sure what you mean but whether DVD or BluRay flags show up is filename dependent.
It is based on the variable below so match whatever filename for the mediaflag you prefer to appear. If nothing matches it falls back to video codec (h264, h265, etc)

<variable name="SourceFlagVar">
<value condition="ListItem.IsStereoscopic">bluray3d.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.filename,pdtv) | String.Contains(ListItem.filename,sdtv) | String.Contains(ListItem.filename,sd tv)]">sdtv.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hdtv) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hd tv)]">hdtv.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hddvd) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hd-dvd)]">hddvd.png</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,dvb)">dvb.png</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,web-dl) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,webdl) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,webrip)">web-dl.png</value>
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,dvd) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.FileExtension,ifo)">dvd.png</value>
<value condition="[String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,bluray) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,blu-ray) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,bdrip) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,brrip) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.FileExtension,bdmv) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.FileExtension,iso) | String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,remux)]">bluray.png</value>

Thanks for the reply and all your work on this mod.

I have below tag in my .nfo files, but maybe it's not an official tag, but something that my media manager makes, I just assumed it was. 

Running Kodi Krypton/Aeon Nox Silvo on Nvidia Shield
I have recently added widget on home screen for movies. Is it possible to have it hide watched movies ?
System > Skin Settings > Main Menu > Setup the Aeon Box Main Menu > Select Background -- This menu is black text with black background. Lucky for me I am selecting a folder for art, and the logo for a directory shows up on the right, otherwise I would be lost.
(2024-07-09, 03:05)pbateman Wrote: System > Skin Settings > Main Menu > Setup the Aeon Box Main Menu > Select Background -- This menu is black text with black background. Lucky for me I am selecting a folder for art, and the logo for a directory shows up on the right, otherwise I would be lost.
Not in my laptop installation
Hi Mike,
Re the media flags for the skin, I noticed that the colored media flags set includes an image sd.png (not available in default flags collection in textures.xbt, but in colored).
As Thumber mentions, Kodi relies on the movie filename for media source info (BluRay, DVD, SDTV etc) NOT the .NFO metadata. I use tinyMediaManager which stores an extended tag SOURCE but it's not supported by Kodi on scraping.

I use Kodi for a local movie collection &
I've been wanting to add older media source flags for legacy movie files with source like VHS, LDRIP, DSRIP, TVRIP. etc but these are not given a specific source flag/logo in Silvo skin. Thanks Mike for the tip on variables.xml. I edited the variables file to add the above sources to use sd.png or sdtv.png and it works a charm.

I'd love it if a future release could include flags/logos for VHS, LD in the default & color media flags set. (I know I could create my own & compile into my textures.xbt but I'm ok with using the SD flag for now!)
Thanks again Mike!
Been enjoying this skin, I found some minor problems tho:

Gallery view:
No option to show/hide status indicators.

Icon view [Episodes]:
All the thumbnails are stretched into a 4:3 aspect ratio. They should be scaled instead to prevent 16:9 thumbnails to be squeezed into a 4:3 frame. The status indicators are huge, about twice as big as they should be.

FanartList view:
If you disable Fanart backgrounds this also hides the Fanart in the little window above the description in FanartList view. This seems counter productive because obviously I would like to see the Fanart when I choose this view type, however I don't want the Fanart to show up as background. It's either hide both or show both. Gallery view actually does this correctly.

BigList [Movies & TV shows]:
Status indicators are too big (see Icon view).

MyFlix [Episodes]:
Watched status overlay is not properly aligned to the top right corner of every thumbnail.
That's a pretty thorough bug list.

Everything should be taken care of with the latest commits on Git.
Never expected such a quick response. Are the changes coming to the standard Kodi repository, too?
(2024-07-15, 17:17)BlueKaiju Wrote: Nice!
Never expected such a quick response. Are the changes coming to the standard Kodi repository, too?

Yes, eventually I will PR the latest updates to Kodi repo.
I guess you have received a couple of hundred request over the soon 10 years! span of this thread. I don't really plan on reading trough all of it, so I'm hoping I'm not being rude by asking for more.
I often look trough old TV show that I've previously watched. Normally I just reset the watched status of the entire show, and start over. In that way I can look trough it without messing up the order.

But this has gotten me to wonder, how many times I have watched the different show.
So, would it be possible to update the watched status to include the number of times it has been watched?
Something like this:
This would make more sense when you are inside a season folder of a TV-show, but I randomly used a picture from the internet and modified it.

The benefits are small, so please ignore this request if it's not worth the effort (I really don't know how much work something like this wold generate).

I also would like to add this:
(2024-05-11, 09:52)Jeffers24 Wrote: Mike,
I realise I and others don't say this often enough.
I have been using your skin for years and I think it is the best.
Also the support for new Kodi releases and new functionality is nothing short of amazing.
Thank you for all your efforts in making this skin available to us.
I've used Aeon Nox Silvo for many years. And I can't remember if I at any time have had any issues with it.
Amazing work. Thanks
(2024-07-17, 14:58)kardesken Wrote: So, would it be possible to update the watched status to include the number of times it has been watched?
No. When you clear the watched status, you are also clearing the play count. It is the Play Count that creates the Watched Status. That happens in Kodi core, not the skin.
Also, TV Shows don't really have a play count. It is the episodes that have the play count.
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I've been using this skin for a while now (several years).
I'm on a Nvidia Shield, Android 11, Shield experience 9.1.1, Kodinerds 22 (installed recently, after having used Kodinerds 21 for some years).
So I recently have installed the latest version of Kodinerds, and I noticed that when playing a video, the OSD doesn't show the subtitles button.
I found a workaround : I have to start a 4:3 video and the button appears. And then I can choose any 16:9 video and the subtitles button shows.
But after stopping/starting the shield, subtitles button disappears again.
I have to again start the 4:3 video.
Anyone knows how to reliably solve this problem ?
Here is a picture of the screen, with the place where the button is missing (unless I have previsously started a 4:3 video)
(2024-07-22, 17:29)oued Wrote: Hi
I've been using this skin for a while now (several years).
I'm on a Nvidia Shield, Android 11, Shield experience 9.1.1, Kodinerds 22 (installed recently, after having used Kodinerds 21 for some years).
So I recently have installed the latest version of Kodinerds, and I noticed that when playing a video, the OSD doesn't show the subtitles button.
I found a workaround : I have to start a 4:3 video and the button appears. And then I can choose any 16:9 video and the subtitles button shows.
But after stopping/starting the shield, subtitles button disappears again.
I have to again start the 4:3 video.
Anyone knows how to reliably solve this problem ?

If you are using Kodi 22 it could be related to this problem.

I also have this problem with some buttons when testing my skin (Titan Mod) with Kodi 22.
It looks to me that it could be my problem, yes, but what should I do ?
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