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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2024-07-22, 19:06)oued Wrote: It looks to me that it could be my problem, yes, but what should I do ?

Since Kodi 22 is still a test version, such errors can occur.
So you should wait.
Or switch back to Kodi 21.
Ok, thank you. When do you think we will have a definitive version ?
Because to me, the v22 seems to work better than the v21.
Since the shield went on Android 11 (or is it the Shield experience 9.1.1 ?) the performances are very bad with either plex or kodi v21.
It looks to me they are much better now (but I must admit it's only a few days I've been using it).
(2024-07-23, 00:38)oued Wrote: Ok, thank you. When do you think we will have a definitive version ?
Don't hold your breath. It's still about 1 or 2 years away.
At the moment, there is no reason for a v22 release as there is nothing really new in it, apart from ffmpeg being updated, but that is still a WIP.
Most of the fixes in v22 have been backported into v21, which are waiting for a v21.1 release, or you can install the latest nightly.
Like fuchs2468 said, switch back to v21, and use the latest nightly for a lot of fixes. The problem in v22 is caused by other fixes or improvements that were needed in v22, but had an unintended consequence, that also needs to be fixed.
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Thank you guys for your help
I'll stick to the v22 for now, as the improvement really seems to be a game changer for me, and will see if I can have a better workaround
Is it possible to have fontsets switch automatically for different theme presets?  For example, I made a Halloween theme preset and I want it to automatically switch to the fontset that I installed to go with it.  I've already added a few fontsets to the fonts.xml that all works fine.
Is there a release which is compatible with v21.1?
(2024-08-25, 20:39)russco Wrote: ImageIs there a release which is compatible with v21.1?
I'm using the one in Kodi skins, works fine for me
The studio icon is not centered correctly for series in the fanart view.
Kodi v20
Skin 9.1.8
As I have seen on a second client, it is only a placeholder. But where can I set which ratings are displayed and which are not?
and another question, where do the ratings come from if the .nfo only contains the IMDb rating?
Hi.  Is it just my system or is this the same for others?

In Movies library using the MyFlix view, the duration, Ends at:, Rating, and number of votes is always present above the synopsis.  In TV shows, the same is true... Except in the MyFlix view, they flash for a few milliseconds and then disappear.  I'm using the latest GitHub build from yesterday but this was true for many prior GitHub builds also.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
(2024-09-08, 17:30)brazen1 Wrote: Hi.  Is it just my system or is this the same for others?

In Movies library using the MyFlix view, the duration, Ends at:, Rating, and number of votes is always present above the synopsis.  In TV shows, the same is true... Except in the MyFlix view, they flash for a few milliseconds and then disappear.  I'm using the latest GitHub build from yesterday but this was true for many prior GitHub builds also.

The latest changes have a lot of wip stuff, but I did not change the location for the year, rating (votes), duration, and ends at. That line should also not be seen for TV Shows. It is only visible when the content is movies...
Can you send a video/screenshot of the issue?

Also @-locha- you can try out the latest update for Omega on GitHub, I reworked the full-width mediaflags to allow full customization for the List, TriPanel, Posters, Shift, BannerWall (BannerPlex), Icons (Small Icons), RightList, MyFlix, and BigFan views.

Ratings are provided by The Movie Db Helper if not available from local info.
(2024-09-08, 18:36)mikeSiLVO Wrote: The latest changes have a lot of wip stuff, but I did not change the location for the year, rating (votes), duration, and ends at. That line should also not be seen for TV Shows. It is only visible when the content is movies...
Can you send a video/screenshot of the issue?
I guess if that metadata isn't meant to be seen in the MyFlix view, can it be added?


HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
Ahhh, you meant episodes. I think I did change that recently but should not have.
Will have a look.
I pushed a quick update to get that "info line" back but I think I should rework MyFlix for episodes a bit...
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