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[RELEASE] NetfliXBMC - Unofficial Netflix Add-on (Win/OSX/Linux) - Thread 2
Why don't you move over to "chrome launcher" http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=170965
in the mean time..I had a hell of a time getting it to work as Im still using Gotham, but now its working fine here and any updates netflix makes to their service are bound to work..... in theory Smile
I'm looking a solution for the new layout of netflix with a remote. If anyone has insite into how navigation ( selection from one item to next ) works please let me know. I'm looking for Javascript function calls. I will spend some time later tonight hacking around and looking at global vars for anything that stands out. Any help would be appreciated!
(2015-06-18, 18:33)JasonPell Wrote: Well new netflix web ui has arrived in oz. The plugin is indeed quite broken as a result. Unfortunately simple screen scraping is not going to cover it as there appears to be quite a bit of Ajax stuff. I don't have time to work on this at the moment hopefully corona finds a way :-)

Yeah I'm so disappointed they didn't enable keyboard navigation in the new interface, would have made a basic chrome launcher shortcut a good stop-gap solution. It's not to be though.
I'm already splitting my time across far too many projects, so can't commit to a quick fix on this.

I see what you mean with the ajax, when you hover over a show with your mouse on the interface, all the show's info is loaded on demand. This means if we want to display a list of info the same as current, it's going to mean a lot of pre-loading of every show's info as a separate request. I would expect this to be significantly slower than the current system :-(
alelec kodi repo, hosting my binary addons not eligible for the official repo .
netflix, sbs ondemand, webdriver etc.

To get old looking netflix back change useragent to
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130331 Firefox/21.0
But how I can change netflixbmc to use that useragent?

Edit. Now it works.

Change this:
        'User-Agent': 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.6 Safari/537.36',
to this:
        'User-Agent': 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130331 Firefox/21.0',

And remember clear cache and cookies.
I am working on a android app to enable "casting" of a movie to the playVideo mode of Netflixbmc. It means you do all the navigation inside a browser on your android device. When you click the play button in the website android will prompt you to choose who should handle the request


You choose my Netflixbmc client app. This client app sends a jsonrpc request to kodi which will then load chrome with the chrome launcher plugin

I hacked a first cut tonight and it actually works but its nasty rough as I am not a gui person


And I am only just learning android dev.

Its a good stop gap for me as I can still use my ir remote to control the playback just need my phone to choose the movie or tv ep to watch.

The web ui is actually better on a tablet. You can choose which episode to watch.

I will work on cleaning the app up over the next few days and post a link to a apk when I do.

I have a google play developer account but I don't want to post it to google play until its bullet proof
(2015-06-20, 17:52)-Dis Wrote: To get old looking netflix back change useragent to
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130331 Firefox/21.0
But how I can change netflixbmc to use that useragent?

Edit. Now it works.

Change this:
        'User-Agent': 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.6 Safari/537.36',
to this:
        'User-Agent': 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130331 Firefox/21.0',

And remember clear cache and cookies.

I've just pushed version 1.3.22 out with this change. Thanks -Dis, that's a great find! Hopefully it works for a while.
alelec kodi repo, hosting my binary addons not eligible for the official repo .
netflix, sbs ondemand, webdriver etc.

I keep being a script error with the add-on... Is there something I'm not don't right

I installed the add-on from the repo, I setup my credentials but whenever it tries to return a list I get the script error.

Is there a how to for noobs ?
(2015-06-21, 02:39)ipguy Wrote: I keep being a script error with the add-on... Is there something I'm not don't right

I installed the add-on from the repo, I setup my credentials but whenever it tries to return a list I get the script error.

Is there a how to for noobs ?

We'll need a copy of your kodi log to see what the script error is from. upload it to xbmclogs and post a link here.
alelec kodi repo, hosting my binary addons not eligible for the official repo .
netflix, sbs ondemand, webdriver etc.

I don't know why but it's super difficult to update the add-on. It acts all glitched up saying update available. Then I try to update and it looks like it does nothing. But then when I go to exit Kodi, it hangs crash. Any advice? Downloading it was also difficult.... Right now the add-on is broken, because I can't update. Only happens with netflixbmc. Sad
(2015-06-21, 07:21)angelblue05 Wrote: I don't know why but it's super difficult to update the add-on. It acts all glitched up saying update available. Then I try to update and it looks like it does nothing. But then when I go to exit Kodi, it hangs crash. Any advice? Downloading it was also difficult.... Right now the add-on is broken, because I can't update. Only happens with netflixbmc. Sad

Yeah ok, that's probably because there's going to be many thousands of kodi installations all over the world trying to update right now (even with the staggering due to kodi's low polling rate for updates). My server's on a fiber connection, but it's only 5MBit upload (thanks australia for having expensive internet).

I've been thinking of ways to offload the bulk of the data, perhaps by having a rewrite-rule to send requests transparently to github, but I'll probably want to wait until the current wave of updates is over before potentially breaking the repo for a bit while figuring it out.
alelec kodi repo, hosting my binary addons not eligible for the official repo .
netflix, sbs ondemand, webdriver etc.

Oh, ok then if it's something like this no problem Smile I just thought it might be because of something I've done wrong.
I've just modified my release script and repository configuration to distribute addons as zip files instead. No one should notice any difference, it should update automatically, but should certainly make updates faster and far more reliable.
alelec kodi repo, hosting my binary addons not eligible for the official repo .
netflix, sbs ondemand, webdriver etc.

(2015-06-21, 02:39)ipguy Wrote: I keep being a script error with the add-on... Is there something I'm not don't right

I installed the add-on from the repo, I setup my credentials but whenever it tries to return a list I get the script error.

Is there a how to for noobs ?
Did you find the problem, I too am getting a script error with the add-on after updating. It gets to 25% starting login and then freezes.I then have to reboot as kodi will not start after this.
Just to let you know, the update went well for the repo, but now every time I try to download, I get a 404 error.
04:43:55 T:6808   DEBUG: FileManager: copy http://www.alelec.net/kodi/repo/plugin.video.netflixbmc/plugin.video.netflixbmc-1.3.22.zip -> special://home/addons/packages/plugin.video.netflixbmc-1.3.22.zip
04:43:55 T:6808   DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(259AC7F8) http://www.alelec.net/kodi/repo/plugin.video.netflixbmc/plugin.video.netflixbmc-1.3.22.zip
04:43:55 T:4760   DEBUG: script.tvtunes: TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible
04:43:55 T:3120   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogAddonInfo.xml) ------
04:43:55 T:4760   DEBUG: script.tvtunes: TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible
04:43:56 T:6808   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
04:43:56 T:6808   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 404
04:43:56 T:6808  NOTICE: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Reconnect, (re)try 1
04:43:56 T:4760   DEBUG: script.tvtunes: TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible
04:43:56 T:6808   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
04:43:56 T:6808   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: HTTP returned error 404
04:43:56 T:6808   ERROR: CCurlFile::CReadState::Connect, didn't get any data from stream.
04:43:56 T:3120   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://repository.alelec/xbmc.addon.video)
04:43:56 T:3120   DEBUG:   ParentPath = [addons://repository.alelec/xbmc.addon.video]
(2015-06-21, 10:46)bolter Wrote:
(2015-06-21, 02:39)ipguy Wrote: I keep being a script error with the add-on... Is there something I'm not don't right

I installed the add-on from the repo, I setup my credentials but whenever it tries to return a list I get the script error.

Is there a how to for noobs ?
Did you find the problem, I too am getting a script error with the add-on after updating. It gets to 25% starting login and then freezes.I then have to reboot as kodi will not start after this.
I need to enable logging and see what's going on. I've never managed to get netflixBMC to work.
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[RELEASE] NetfliXBMC - Unofficial Netflix Add-on (Win/OSX/Linux) - Thread 217
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