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[RELEASE] NetfliXBMC - Unofficial Netflix Add-on (Win/OSX/Linux) - Thread 2
Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forums and to Kodi. I installed it on my old windows 7 ultimate system to use it as media centre. It got installed fine (Krypton 17.6). I want to run Netflix on it. Saw a number of tutorials, all similar. Did as was suggested in each one, got Netflixbmc repository. I get to point where I see 2 video add-ons - Netflixbmc and SBS on Demand. I click Netflixbmc to install it but nothing is working at all. I have tried everything.

Please help on this.
(2018-04-28, 03:01)kapil.parihar Wrote: Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forums and to Kodi. I installed it on my old windows 7 ultimate system to use it as media centre. It got installed fine (Krypton 17.6). I want to run Netflix on it. Saw a number of tutorials, all similar. Did as was suggested in each one, got Netflixbmc repository. I get to point where I see 2 video add-ons - Netflixbmc and SBS on Demand. I click Netflixbmc to install it but nothing is working at all. I have tried everything.

Please help on this.
 I'm pretty sure that NetfliXBMC hasn't worked for quite a while, and, due to Netflix's constantly changing configuration, another add-on probably won't be available.

I finally gave up, and just decided to launch to Netflix externally, from Kodi.

I initially loaded Windows 10, and used a cool little utility called "Netflix Remote Controller", which launches the Netflix Windows 10 metro / modern app, and allows the use of the MCE remote.  It works pretty well, though the Netflix app has some very annoying limitations, which prompted me to take matters into my own hands.

Since the web version is the most feature-filled and well-supported version, I decided to just build an AutoHotkey script that would allow me to launch Netlix via Chrome in a full-screen (kiosk) mode, and then control it with my MCE remote, with a lot of the same functionality that I have in Kodi.  It's working pretty well, and, since I wrote it, I can update it as I desire, or whenever Netflix makes a change.

I had a good basis already for the Netflix build, as I was able to utilize some of the same functionality I had already built for use with YouTube TV.

I was thinking about offering it out to my fellow Kodi users, but it's almost too specific to my setup (resolution of 1920x1080 set to 150% scale) along with Chrome 64bit with an add-on to hide the Netflix marquee (trailer window).   There are some functions to determine the location of Chrome, rather than having it hard-coded, so, if there's any interest, I'll look into implementing that change, and try to figure out how to make it available.
(2018-04-28, 03:01)kapil.parihar Wrote: Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forums and to Kodi. I installed it on my old windows 7 ultimate system to use it as media centre. It got installed fine (Krypton 17.6). I want to run Netflix on it. Saw a number of tutorials, all similar. Did as was suggested in each one, got Netflixbmc repository. I get to point where I see 2 video add-ons - Netflixbmc and SBS on Demand. I click Netflixbmc to install it but nothing is working at all. I have tried everything.

Please help on this.
 Install the alpha build of Kodi 18 and add the acsiidisco repo of the netflix plugin: https://github.com/asciidisco/plugin.video.netflix
(2018-04-28, 03:48)RobbieWilkes Wrote: Since the web version is the most feature-filled and well-supported version, I decided to just build an AutoHotkey script that would allow me to launch Netlix via Chrome in a full-screen (kiosk) mode, and then control it with my MCE remote, with a lot of the same functionality that I have in Kodi.  It's working pretty well, and, since I wrote it, I can update it as I desire, or whenever Netflix makes a change.
Can you share at least an hint of how have you approached the problem of selecting items via left/right instead of mouse?
Do you move the mouse of specific pixels when left/right are pressed? how about navigating outside to elements outside the window?

(2018-05-05, 16:02)ilGimmy Wrote:
(2018-04-28, 03:48)RobbieWilkes Wrote: Since the web version is the most feature-filled and well-supported version, I decided to just build an AutoHotkey script that would allow me to launch Netlix via Chrome in a full-screen (kiosk) mode, and then control it with my MCE remote, with a lot of the same functionality that I have in Kodi.  It's working pretty well, and, since I wrote it, I can update it as I desire, or whenever Netflix makes a change.
Can you share at least an hint of how have you approached the problem of selecting items via left/right instead of mouse?
Do you move the mouse of specific pixels when left/right are pressed? how about navigating outside to elements outside the window?


Yes, for the arrow movements, I'm just moving the mouse a certain number of pixels in the associated direction.

 As for scrolling, nothing too fancy was needed in Netflix, because the Right & Left scroll arrows are always available in the same location for each row.  So, I'm simply monitoring the mouse x coordinate, and, as it reaches a designated value, I just jump to a designated spot and click.  I'll provide some of the code below.  If you'd like, I'll be happy to share it all, though it's not cleaned up or annotated as well as I'd like.

As you'll see, I've hardcoded the values into the sequences, which is what I meant with it being specific to my setup.  I have updated my YouTubeTV script to use variables, based on the resolution, and, because it's NOT consistent like Netflix, I utilize an ImageSearch to find the scroll arrows.  When I have time to kill, I'm going to go back and update my Netflix script with variables, consolidated routines, and do away with all the "else"s, but, for now, it's working perfectly.

BTW... the "GetActiveBrowserURL" function is a LIFESAVER, as it allows one to determine if a video is being played (contains WATCH), and to use the arrows for play control, rather than mouse movement.  Also, you'll see that I'm utilizing "TiVo Sounds", which goes along with the consistent experience that I'm trying to provide when launching from Kodi... and I just find the sounds so darn soothing. :-)

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.  I'm happy to share, as I've learned so much from those that are also willing to do the same.

    sURL := GetActiveBrowserURL()
    WinGetClass, sClass, A
    if sURL contains watch
        MouseMove 960, 350
        send +{Right}
        send {Enter}
    MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
;    Tooltip %xpos%, %ypos%
;    SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
    if xpos >= 1650
        MouseMove 1860, %ypos%
        MouseClick, left, 1860, %ypos%
        MouseMove 200, 0, 1, R

    sURL := GetActiveBrowserURL()
    WinGetClass, sClass, A
    if sURL contains watch
        MouseMove 960, 350
        send +{Left}
        send {Enter}
    MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
    if (xpos <= 250)
        MouseMove 10, %ypos%
        Sleep 350
        MouseClick, left, 30, %ypos%
        MouseMove -200, 0, 1, R

    sURL := GetActiveBrowserURL()
    WinGetClass, sClass, A
    if sURL contains watch
        MouseMove 960, 350
        Send {Up}
    MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
    if (ypos <= 200)
        Send {WheelUp}
        MouseMove 0, -100, 1, R

    sURL := GetActiveBrowserURL()
    WinGetClass, sClass, A
    if sURL contains watch
        MouseMove 960, 350
        send {Down}
    MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
    if (ypos >= 880)
            Send {WheelDown}
        MouseMove 0, 100, 1, R

    sURL := GetActiveBrowserURL()
    WinGetClass, sClass, A
    if sURL contains watch
        MouseMove 960, 350
        Send {Enter}
        Send {Click}

;Stop Button - Pause & Browser_Back
    Click, 960, 120
    Send {Browser_Back}

;BackSpace - Previous Page
    Send {Browser_Back}
Thanks for sharing!
My netflixbms not content
What have I done?
thank you

I have installed neflixmbc of this

All development is happening out of my github: https://github.com/andrewleech/plugin.video.netflixbmc

when I open ,there isn't anything
I have to register on Netflix
I try to use only one time
thank you
You're welcome 😁
I don't register 
i have a mistake while I was writing
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[RELEASE] NetfliXBMC - Unofficial Netflix Add-on (Win/OSX/Linux) - Thread 217
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