Arduino and LCD info (lcdproc)
I am busy with a rebuilding project. I salvaged a toshiba ep-10 hdvd player and rebuilding it as a openelec/kodi media player.

I want to re-use as much parts a possible and have already got the psu, on/off panel, control buttons and usb port working with an mini-itx board.

Now I also want to use the original VFD display. Got the pinout already worked out and can lit the indiviual items on the display. The display can also show with with resolution is played eg 460, 720, 1080 etc.

For testing I already got a arduino with and hd44780 lcd display runnning with only text. But can I get the movie resolution information with lcdproc , so that I can make the arduino lit the corresponding display info or can I only get info about the time and title of the movie/serie ?

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Arduino and LCD info (lcdproc)0