Addons Menu
Hi All, I've recently discovered Transparancy! and it's become my new favorite skin.

One issue I have is that when I click on the Addons menu item it always takes me to Program Addons of which I have none. From there, I can't seem to navigate to other addons, only get more program addons. I do have a submenu with choices for my Video addons, but others in my household find this behavior confusing.

Can I make the default Addon menu choice go to Video Addons?
nope, you would have to modify the skin if you want to change that.
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Very good. Thanks for a great skin!
(2015-01-21, 19:43)ronie Wrote: nope, you would have to modify the skin if you want to change that.
I know it is an old thread, but I just installed this skin and found the same problem.  How do I modify the skin to change that?
If you don't have any or few program add-ons, you can use the skin settings to eliminate that menu.

Make video add-ons a favourite through your video library.

In the skin settings under the same menu tab, add custom 1 and call it 'Video Add-ons and choose the 'video add-on' in favourites. You should have added a new home button which should take you to the add-ons post haste.

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